Additional file1 1.1.Journals publishing at least 15 randomized controlled trial (RCT) reports (search date February 2,2014) indexed in PubMed with the keywords randomized controlled trial with the following filters: study type RCT, English language, human studies, published between January 1, 2013 and March 31, 2013, and with an abstract available

Journal's Name / Impact Factor
Accident Analysis and Prevention / 1,964
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica / 2,355
Addictive Behaviors / 2,021
Addiction / 4,746
AIDS and Behavior / 2,979
Alcoholism- Clinical and Experimental Research / 3,421
American Heart Journal / 4,497
American Journal of Cardiology / 3,209
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition / 6,504
American Journal of Kidney Diseases / 5,294
American Journal of Ophtalmology / 3,631
Anesthesia and Analgesia / 3,300
Annals of Oncology / 7,384
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy / 4,565
Appetite / 2,541
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics / 1,330
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation / 2,358
Atherosclerosis / 3,991
Behaviour Research and Therapy / 3,471
BJOG- an International Journal Of Obstetrics and gynaecology / 3,760
BJU International / 3,046
Blood / 9,060
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders / 1,875
BMC Psychiatry / 2,233
BMC Public Health / 2,076
British Journal of Anaesthesia / 4,237
British Journal of Cancer / 5,082
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / 3,578
British Journal of Nutrition / 3,302
Cancer / 4,901
Circulation- Heart Failure / 6,684
Circulation / 15,202
Clinical Infectious Diseases / 9,374
Clinical Interventions in Aging / 2,651
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology / 5,068
Clinical Journal of Pain / 2,552
Clinical Oral Investigations / 2,200
Clinical Rehabilitation / 2,191
Clinical Therapeutics / 2,230
Contemporary Clinical Trials / 1,597
Diabetes Care / 7,735
Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism / 5,181
Drug and Alcohol Dependence / 3,141
European Heart Journal / 14,097
European Journal of Applied Physiology / 2,660
European Journal of Cancer / 5,061
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition / 2,756
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / 2,741
European Journal of Heart Failure / 5,247
Experimental Brain Research / 2,221
Journal of Affective Disorders / 3,295
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine / 1,464
Journal of the American College of Cardiology / 14,086
Journal of Applied Physiology / 2,660
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism / 6,430
Journal of Clinical Oncology / 18,038
Journal of Clinical Periodontology / 3,688
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / 2,963
Journal of Dentistry / 3,200
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology / 1,161
Journal of Infectious Diseases / 5,848
Journal of Medical Internet Research / 3,768
Journal of Nutrition / 4,196
Journal of Pediatric / 4,035
Journal of Sports Science / 2,082
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / 1,795
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment / 1,985
Journal of Urology / 3,696
JAMA / 29,978
Lancet / 39,060
Lancet Oncology / 25,117
Metabolism / 4,514
New England Journal of Medicine / 51,658
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair / 4,278
Nicotine & Tobacco Research / 2,477
Nutrition / 2,859
Obesity (Silver Spring) / 3,491
Osteoporosis International / 4,039
Pain / 5,644
Pediatrics / 5,119
PLoS One / 3,730
Psychology & Health / 1,950
Psychopharmacology (Berl) / 4,595
Respiratory Medicine / 2,585
Schizophrenia Research / 4,590
Stroke / 6,158
Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques / 3,427
Trials / 2,206
Vaccine / 3,492
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova / NA
Zhongguo Zhen Jiu / NA

1.2.The 10 journals with the highest impact factor (Journal Citation Report 2012) for 14 medical areas. Only journals publishing at least one RCT report in the 3 last issues were included.

Journal's name / Impact Factor / Specialties / Selected if at least 3 RCTs of clinical trials in 3 last issues
Anaesthesia / 3,486 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Anesthesia and Analgesia / 3,300 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Anesthesiology / 5,163 / Anesthesiology / Yes
British Journal of Anaesthesia / 4,237 / Anesthesiology / Yes
European Journal of Anaesthesiology / 2,792 / Anesthesiology / Yes
European Journal of Pain / 3,067 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Minerva Anestesiologica / 2,818 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Pain / 5,644 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Pain Practice / 2,605 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine / 3,464 / Anesthesiology / Yes
Circulation / 15,202 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Circulation- Cardiovascular Genetics / 6,728 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Circulation- Cardiovascular Interventions / 6,543 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Circulation- Heart Failure / 6,684 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Circulation Research / 11,861 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
European Heart Journal / 14,097 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
JACC- Cardiovascular Imaging / 6,164 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
JACC- Cardiovascular Interventions / 6,543 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Journal of the American College of Cardiology / 14,086 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / Yes
Nature Reviews in Cardiology / 10,400 / Cardiac & Cardiovascular systems / No
Acta Neuropathologica / 9,734 / Clinical neurology / No
Alzheimers & Dementia / 14,483 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Annals of Neurology / 11,193 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Archives of Neurology / 7,685 / Clinical neurology / No
Brain / 9,915 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Lancet Neurology / 23,917 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Nature Reviews Neurology / 15,518 / Clinical neurology / No
Neurology / 8,249 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Neuro-oncology / 6,180 / Clinical neurology / Yes
Sleep Medicine Reviews / 8,681 / Clinical neurology / Yes
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine / 11,041 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Chest / 5,854 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Critical Care / 4,718 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Critical Care Medicine / 6,124 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Current Opinion in Critical Care / 2,967 / Critical Care Medecine / No
Intensive Care Medicine / 5,258 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Journal of Neurotrauma / 4,295 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Minerva Anestesiologica / 2,818 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Neurocritical Care / 3,038 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Resucitation / 4,104 / Critical Care Medecine / Yes
Academic Emergency Medicine / 1,757 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
American journal of Emergency Medecine / 1,704 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Annals of Emergency Medicine / 4,285 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Emergencias / 2,578 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Emergency Medicine Journal / 1,645 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Injury / 2,174 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Journal of Trauma - Injury infection and Critical Care / 2,348 / Emergency Medicine / No
Prehopospital Emergency Care / 1,859 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Resuscitation / 4,104 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Medicine / 1,680 / Emergency Medicine / Yes
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology / 6,338 / Hematology / Yes
Blood / 9,060 / Hematology / Yes
Blood Reviews / 6,000 / Hematology / Yes
Circulation Research / 11,861 / Hematology / Yes
Haematologica - The Hematology Journal / 5,935 / Hematology / No
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism / 5,398 / Hematology / No
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis / 6,081 / Hematology / No
Leukemia / 10,164 / Hematology / Yes
Stem Cells / 7,701 / Hematology / No
Thrombosis and Haemostasis / 6,094 / Hematology / Yes
AIDS / 6,407 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Clinical Infectious Diseases / 9,374 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS / 4,704 / Infectious Diseases / No
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases / 4,870 / Infectious Diseases / No
Emerging Infectious Diseases / 5,993 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Eurosurveillance / 5,491 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
JAIDS- Journal of Acquired immune Deficinecy Syndromes / 4,653 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy / 5,338 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Journal of Infectious Diseases / 5,848 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Lancet Infectious Diseases / 19,966 / Infectious Diseases / Yes
Annals of Internal Medicine / 13,976 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Archives of Internal Medicine / 10,579 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
BMC Medicine / 6,679 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
British Medical Journal / 17,215 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Canadian Medical Association Journal / 6,465 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
JAMA / 29,978 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Journal of Internal Medicine / 6,455 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Lancet / 39,060 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
New England Journal of Medicine / 51,658 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Plos Medicine / 15,253 / Medicine, General & Internal / Yes
Annals of Neurology / 11,193 / Neurosciences / Yes
Annual Review of Neuroscience / 20,614 / Neurosciences / No
Behavioral and Brain Sciences / 18,571 / Neurosciences / Yes
Brain / 9,915 / Neurosciences / Yes
Molecular Psychiatry / 14,897 / Neurosciences / Yes
Nature Neurosciences Neurosci / 15,251 / Neurosciences / No
Nature Reviews Neuroscience / 31,673 / Neurosciences / No
Neuron / 15,766 / Neurosciences / Yes
Trends in Cognitive sciences / 16,008 / Neurosciences / No
Trends Neurosci / 13,582 / Neurosciences / Yes
Biochimica et Biopsysica - Reviews of Cancer / 9,033 / Oncology / No
CA- A Cancer Journal for Clinicians / 153,459 / Oncology / Yes
Cancer Cell / 24,755 / Oncology / No
Cancer Discovery / 10,143 / Oncology / Yes
JNCI- Journal of the National Cancer Institute / 14,336 / Oncology / Yes
Journal of Clinical Oncology / 18,038 / Oncology / Yes
Lancet Oncology / 25,117 / Oncology / Yes
Leukemia / 10,174 / Oncology / Yes
Nature Reviews Cancer / 35,000 / Oncology / No
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology / 14,771 / Oncology / No
Archives of Disease in Childhood / 3,051 / Pediatrics / Yes
Archives of Disease in Childhood- Fetal and Neonatal Edition / 3,451 / Pediatrics / Yes
Archives Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine / 4,282 / Pediatrics / Yes
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry / 3,699 / Pediatrics / Yes
Journal of Pediatric / 4,035 / Pediatrics / Yes
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / 6,970 / Pediatrics / Yes
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology / 3,376 / Pediatrics / Yes
Pediatrics / 5,119 / Pediatrics / Yes
Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine / 3,505 / Pediatrics / No
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal / 3,569 / Pediatrics / Yes
American journal of Psychaitry / 14,721 / Psychiatry / Yes
Archives of General Psychaitry / 13,772 / Psychiatry / No
Biological psychiatry / 9,247 / Psychiatry / No
British Journal of Psychiatry / 6,606 / Psychiatry / No
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience / 6,242 / Psychiatry / No
Molecular Psychiatry / 14,897 / Psychiatry / Yes
Neuropsychopharmacology / 8,678 / Psychiatry / No
Psychoterapy and Psychosomatics / 7,230 / Psychiatry / No
Schizophrenia Bulletin / 8,486 / Psychiatry / No
World Psychiatry / 8,974 / Psychiatry / No
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases / 9,111 / Rheumatology / Yes
Arthritis and Rheumatology / 7,477 / Rheumatology / Yes
Arthritis Care & Research / 3,731 / Rheumatology / Yes
Arthritis Research & Therapy / 4,302 / Rheumatology / Yes
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology / 3,550 / Rheumatology / Yes
Curr Opin Rheumatol / 5,191 / Rheumatology / No
Nature Reviews Rheumatology / 9,745 / Rheumatology / No
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage / 4,262 / Rheumatology / Yes
Rheumatology / 4,212 / Rheumatology / Yes
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism / 3,806 / Rheumatology / Yes
American Journal of surgical pathology / 4,868 / Surgery / Yes
American Journal of Transplantation / 6,192 / Surgery / Yes
Annals of Surgery / 6,329 / Surgery / Yes
Annals Surgical Oncology / 4,120 / Surgery / Yes
Archives of Surgery / Surgery / Yes
British Journal of Surgery / 4,839 / Surgery / Yes
Endoscopy / 5,735 / Surgery / Yes
Journal of neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry / 4,924 / Surgery / Yes
Journal of the American College of Surgeons / 4,500 / Surgery / Yes
Surgery for obesity and Related Diseases / 4,121 / Surgery / Yes

1.3. Duplicate journals

Annals of Neurology
Circulation Research
Minerva Anestesiol
Anesthesia and Analgesia
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Circulation- Heart Failure
Clinical Infectious Diseases
European Heart Journal
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of Pediatric
Lancet Oncology
New England Journal of Medicine
Molecular Psychiatry