TEL: 9911 9911 FAX: 9911 9900



Name: ______

Address: ______


Tel: ______

Email: ______

Preferred Court: 1 2
(Please circle)

Date/From / Date/To / Day of Use / Time From / Time To

Tennis Courts are available for hire from 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week.

As the hirer making this application, I acknowledge that I clearly understand the general terms and conditions of use for the facility and that failure to abide by these conditions could affect the future use of the facility. I acknowledge that I agree to these Conditions when using the tennis court for this calendar year.

I agree that:

§  The group will leave the facility clean and tidy and in the manner in which it was found.

§  The group will leave the facility fully secured.

§  Under no circumstances will any member of my organisation or party known to me, inform others of the access code.

I understand if any of the above conditions are not met, Council has the right to revoke the future use of this facility.

Online bookings need to be lodged one business day prior to hire date. Council will provide an invoice with the booking date and payment amount. The invoice number is required for online credit card payments.

Signature: ……………………………………

Date: …… / …… / ……



Wet Weather Cancellations

§  Cancellations due to wet weather must be reported to Council, 9911 9911, on the day of booking.

General Cancellations

§  Council requires written notification of cancellations two days prior to the agreed booking date.

§  Council will not refund the booking fee or hire fee if written notification is not received two days prior to the agreed booking date.


§  The court and the immediate area must be left in a clean and tidy state. Please telephone Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9911 9911, to report any problems or maintenance issues.


§  The hirer hereby grants the Council an indemnity from and against all claims, demands, remedies, suits, injuries, damage, losses, costs, liabilities, actions, claims for compensation and the like for which the Council may be liable in conjunction with injury, damage or accidental death through the hirer’s neglect or default or the neglect or default of any other person in connection with the hirer’s use of the facility.

No responsibility for damage

§  The Council will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any property whatsoever belonging to the hirer or any person attending the use of the court.

Restricted articles

§  Confetti, chewing gum, alcohol, fireworks or other articles deemed by the responsible Council Officer to be prohibited.

§  Individuals, groups or organisations which hire or lease Council premises or facilities for activities which involve children under 18 years are reminded of the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 and the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998. All employers (which includes employers of volunteers and others) must comply with the mandatory guidelines available from the Commission for Young People and which are also available on their website These guidelines contain forms including declarations and consents which must be completed by prospective employees.

By signing below, I agree that I have read and understood the above Conditions of Hire.

Signature: ……………………………………

Date: …… / …… / ……

Privacy Statement

If you are applying for consent as an individual, you may be providing Council with personal information (such as your name and address) within the meaning of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

You are obliged by law to provide your name and address. If you do not provide the personal information requested Council may be unable to process your application.

Council is collecting this personal information from you in order to identify and process your application.

You may make application for access or amendment to information held by Council. You may also make a request that Council suppress your personal information from being made publicly available. Council will consider any such application in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Enquiries concerning this matter can be addressed to Council’s Public Officer.

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Tennis Court Booking Form