The Minutes Of The Annual Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Thursday16thJune 2016 at The Andrew Hall, Shipley at 7:30pm
084/16 Attendance And Apologies For Absence
Those Present:P Baxter, J Coad (Chair), G De Zoete, J Emrich, T Hayes, L Lovett and P Sinton
Also Present:Sally Pavey, CAGNE and Parish Clerk F McNeile.
Apologies: Cllr King-Tours (Personal), Cllr Roggendorff (Holiday), Cllr A Jupp, Cllr N Jupp
085/16To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation
Cllr Emrich declared an interest in planning application DC/16/1037. Cllr Coad declared an interest in item 097/16 due to swing quotations and 098/16 due to fencing quotations.
086/16Approval OfThe Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meetingheld on Monday 16th May2016
Cllr Hayes commented that Council may need to consider precepting for fees during 2017/18 for planning consultancy and legal fees that may arise from the neighbourhood planning. Costs were incurred by Nuthurst NHP group during their planning phase.
The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.
087/16 Election Of Vice Chairman
As only 50% of members were present during the meeting, it was agreed that the election of Vice Chairman would be deferred until the next meeting. Cllr Coad will discuss this position again with Cllr King-Tours.
088/16Matters Arising from Item 086/16 (For information only)
064/16 The Clerk has fed back the Council’s response to the resident regarding the Commemorative Coin query.
067/16 The Clerk has updated the Parish Council website with the Boules information at TD Shipley Football Club.
069/17 The Clerk has written to Cllr A Jupp detailing the bridle path numbers that were discussed during the last meeting. An email report has since been received by the Access Ranger. Members discussed the bridleways in the report. Cllr Emrich suggested that a voluntary party work in September/October on the worst bridle path and coppice the area to improve access. Knepp will run the project with the WSCC volunteers but would appreciate any assistance from local community volunteers.
The Clerk has written to St Cuthman’s and Hoe Farm regarding the 30mph speed limit signs and has requested that foliage is cut back to clear the signs. The failing 30mph road markings were also reported to WSCC. The following response has been received “The 30mph sign that is painted on the highway on Cowfold road is not faded more than 75% so will not be repainted at this present time but I will monitor this location.”
070/16 The Clerk has added Billingshurst Community Transport service to the Parish Council website.
072/16 The Clerk has submitted the Annual Return to the External Auditors and the notice for the public consultation period has been put on the notice boards and the Parish Council website together with the accounts information.
073/16 The Financial Regulations have been amended as per the motion passed during the last meeting. All new policies will be uploaded to the Parish Council website following this meeting.
074/16 The Clerk requested information from Microshade regarding back up to icloud and data protection. They have software which caters for small parish councils with Clerks working from home and would like to discuss further. The Clerk, Cllr Coad and Cllr Hayes will meet with Microshade first and feedback to Council.
076/16 The Clerk will contact with the NHP Steering Committee to request that ideas for the use of a potential large Parish donation or S106/CIL funds are included within the NHP survey.
077/16 The Clerk has communicated to WSCC the Parish Council’s disappointment that S106 funds generated within the Parish have been allocated to schools outside of the Parish. Additional email communication regarding the allocation of S106 funds has taken place and further clarity is required from WSCC on the allocation of S106 to schools.
080/16 The Clerk has reported all pot holes and road condition problems on Love West Sussex. WSCC Highways have scheduled road erosion and pot hole repairs in Countryman Lane and the Brook Cottage pot hole in Hooklands Lane. A response regarding Dragons Green Lane was received from WSCC as follows “Dragons lane is a single track lane which does suffer from edge erosion as this is due to no kerbs, there are a number of small potholes but unfortunately these do not reach our intervention levels, this area will be monitored by myself.” The Clerk has requested an update from WSCC regarding Dragons Green Road.
The Clerk has also written to Chris Stark regarding a complete road repair programme in the Parish and has also submitted a similar email to Cllr A Jupp to raise with the Director of Highways.
089/16Report from the Police
The Clerk contacted Inspector Claire McKnight regarding speeding in Coolham and the recent RTA in Smithers Hill Lane. The following response was received “In respect of the RTC,this relates to Op Blinker CAD 751: 05/06/16 – At 12.35 hrs on Sunday 5thJune 2016 a road traffic collision occurred at the Junction of Smithers Hill Lane and the A272, nr Dragons Green, Horsham. A car and motorcyclist were involved resulting in the motorcyclist receiving potentially life changing injuries.
This was some way from the Coolham Crossroads.
In respect of a Community Speedwatch Scheme (CSW), the policy around this is quite prescriptive.
1.The roads has to be assessed by our Roads Policing Unit (RPU) to see if it complies with Health and Safety regulations for members of the public to stand with a speed gun. If it is not deemed safe, then there can be no CSW. (We have asked RPU to assess the roads, but there is a waiting list as they have the whole of Sussex to deal with).
2.The local NPT Inspector (me) and the Chair of the Parish Council have to be satisfied that there is enough public support for CSW. This would include having at least 6 volunteers.
3.Before I made such a determination, I would want to be reassured that there is an actual problem rather than perceived problem, so would have asked for my PCSOs to conduct a 100 vehicle speed check (to see how many people were actually speeding). Again, this can only take place in roads that have been assessed by RPU as being safe for such an activity. Consideration should be given to signage, enforcement etc if there is an actual problem.
In respect of ensuring the road is safe for such activity, there is many regulations regarding cambers in roads, vision, change of speed limits, street furniture etc.
So, in summary, I have asked for RPU to assess the site. If it is deemed suitable, then I will instruct one of my PCSOs to conduct a 100 vehicle check. We will then share that information with you and discuss the next steps.”
090/16Report from the County Councillor
091/16Report from the District Councillors
092/16Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations
Sally Pavey, Chair of CAGNE (Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions) presented the latest information regarding arrival and departure routes from Gatwick which currently affect or may in time affect the Parish. Airplane navigation is concentrated on super highways and Shipley Parish lies on the inner edge where aircraft turn to approach Gatwick. These factors have increased the level of aircraft noise in the Parish. Arrival routes are currently being reviewed and this is of huge concern to CAGNE as there is a possibility of night time arrivals doubling dependent on wind direction. CAGNE would like Shipley Parish Council to become a member so that CAGNE can operate as a ‘feed’ for information regarding Gatwick flight plans. CAGNE would like Shipley Parish Council to agree to receive updates from CAGNE’s mailing.
093/16Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).
No members of the public present.
094/16 Chairman’s Announcements
Cllr Coad asked members if they would be interested in a Councillors Research Evening whereby a tour of the Parish and boundaries is undertaken and possibly an informal brainstorm. This was unanimously AGREED and the Clerk will undertake a Doodle Poll to circulate dates to members.
095/16 Review of the following Council policies and procedures in accordance with
Standing Order 5:
a)Code Of Practice For Handling Complaints
b)Data Protection Policy (New)
c)Employee Code Of Conduct
d)Procedure For Handling Consultation Requests
e)Press And Media Protocol
f)Staff Grievance Policy (New)
g)Staff Discipline Policy (New)
h)Social Media Policy (New)
i)Code of Members Conduct – Dispensations
j)Parish Council Risk Assessment 2016/17
Cllr Coad asked members if all additional policy documentation had been read. Members considered the documentation and unanimously AGREED to adopt the policies and procedures.
096/16 Coolham Pavilion Opening
Cllr Coad reported that since the last meeting, good progress has been made on the project. After the last meeting, Cllr Coad continued with the foundation preparation with the Clerk’s assistance. Following the local volunteers help over the concreting weekend, the Clerk helped Cllr Coad with the planning and construction of the softwood framing. Over the past two weeks, Darren Rolfe and the WSCC volunteers have returned to site assist with the completion of the softwood frame and reconstruction of the pavilion. At this stage, all softwood and oak frames have been erected, rafters have been cut and installed and the team have cladded the majority of the building. Final work includes, the remaining cladding, fascia, guttering, drainage and roofing. Total project costs to date are estimated at £7200 + VAT and so within budget. There is a project delay at the moment due to cladding timber availability.
In Cllr Coad’s opinion, using the existing tin roofing will spoil the aesthetics’ of the building. Cllr Coad proposed that the roof be completed with cedar shingles or oak feather edge timber. This would cost an estimated £1200 which could be financed via the community benefit donation or further community fund raising.
Members considered Cllr Coad’s proposed roof options. As the existing tin is in good order and the expectation of parishioners is that the original tin roof will be re-used, members resolved that the original roof should be put back on the building.
Cllr Coad proposed that an official opening ceremony of the Pavilion takes place to thank those involved. Having spoken with Darren Rolfe, an evening event would be preferable. The idea being that either David Burley WSCC or Amanda Jupp will open the building and then for everyone to enjoy a celebratory drink. The invitation list could include fund raisers and donors, volunteers and their families and Councillors. This would be an estimated 100 people in total.
Further to consideration on the size of the event and who should be invited, members resolved that the date of the event will be decided via a Doodle Poll and then an official invitation issued.
097/16 Community Benefit Donation
Cllr Coad noted that it was apparent after the last meeting, that perhaps the Parish Council should not rush into utilising all the donation from Conergy at this stage. The Clerk has researched donation legislation and sought legal advice from both SALC and the SLCC.
The advice given is a local council cannot hold a capital gift of money with no restrictions whatever on its use,for in the absence of special directions of an explicit kind (from the donor) it will be presumed that the gift is for local public purposes or for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area or part of it. Such gifts must be invested until spent. The council should only accept a specific gift for something they already intend to do.
Parish councils should not invest money 'for a rainy day'. General (uncommitted) reserves should not exceed between 3 months and 12 months of gross income/expenditure. Surplus funds in excess of that, and not required for an identified project, should be used to reduce the precept.
With this information, Cllr Coad proposed that the Council continue with the Swings project as agreed last summer of which we have obtained £8488 through S106 and GACC funding. This leaves approx. £6,000 to complete the project. Cllr Coad proposed Councilutilised the Conergy money for the completion of the project as there are time restrictions on the funds already received and therefore a risk of losing them. Following the swings and possibly a new roof on the pavilion, I estimate that there will be approx. £13,000 left from the Conergy donation which could be invested in a separate savings account to be used for parish benefit as and when a need arises.
Three quotes for swings were submitted last year and in April 2015 Council chose Wicksteed as the preferred manufacturer as the product was felt to be superior to the Eibe products.
9:00pm Cllr Coad left the room. Cllr Baxter in the Chair.
Members considered the quotations for swings. Members felt that in hindsight, the ‘Pendulum’ swing quoted was disproportionately expensive in comparison to the swing bay set. Members reasoned that monies could be spent on other products that would make better use of funding other than the pendulum swing and benches. Members resolved that the Clerk investigate with HDC whether the S106 funding may be utilised on different equipment and whether the time limit on the grant can be further extended. If HDC state the funds must be spent on swing equipment, then members resolved that the ‘pendulum’ swing will be removed from the installation and the funds will be used for an assortment of bay swings and benches.
098/16 Coolham Playing Fields Re-Fencing
Members considered the three quotations received for the fencing requirements at Coolham Playing Fields. Members AGREED unanimously to proceed with the quotation from Coadman Contractors.
9:18pm Cllr Coad returned to the room. Cllr Coad in the Chair.
099/16 Planning Applications
DC/16/1053Kinswood Eggs Limited, Orchard Farm, Emms Lane, Brooks Green – Chick rearing building with associated hard standing and land drainage
After Consideration the Parish Council voted to support this application.
Votes 7
DC/16/1037Carpenters Barn, Floodgates, Castle Lane, West Grinstead – Change of use of buildings to B1 and B8
Cllr Emrich in the public section.
After Consideration the Parish Council voted to support this application.
Votes 6
DC/16/105134 Cooks Cottage, School Lane, Shipley – Erection of single storey-rear extension after demolition of existing out building.
After Consideration the Parish Council voted to support this application.
Votes 7
DC/16/1162Spear Hill, Spear Hill, Ashington – Two storey side extension, porch addition, single storey side extension and rear porch canopy
After Consideration the Parish Council voted to support this application.
Votes 5 Supporting 2 Abstentions
DC/16/0387Rascalls Farm, Shipley Lane, Shipley – Construction of stables and construction of sandschool
After Consideration the Parish Council voted to support this application
Votes 7
Diversion Order Of Part Of Public Footpath No.1905 – Brooks Green Park, Emms Lane, Brooks Green
After Consideration the Parish Council resolved to abstain from further comment.
Votes 7
100/16Planning Decisions
The Clerk issued an update of planning decisions made by HDC.
101/16 Calendar Of Meetings
Members considered and approved the calendar of meetings proposed and resolved to delegateauthority to the Clerk to amend calendar as and when necessary.
102/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish
Pavements – update from Councillors.
None reported.
103/16 Payments
Payments June 2016 / £Received since last meeting / Chq Nos
Councillor Coin Repayment / 37.80
Interest / 1.52
HDC Cleansing Grant / 145.41
FOSP - Pavilion Fundraising / 2500.00
Paid since last meeting / Invoiced Services
Three Mobile / Parish Phone / 35.00 / DD
Tower Mint Ltd / Coins / 577.34 / 001442
Horsham District Council / HDPF Books - NHP Committee / 30.00 / 001443
Andrew Hall / Hall Hire / 40.00 / 001444
SLCC / Subscription / 225.00 / 001445
WSCC / Payroll - April / 1033.32 / 001446
Came & Company / Annual Insurance Premium / 803.51 / 001447
Came & Company / Insurance - Pavilion / 54.75 / 001448
Clerks Expenses April & May / Mileage, Broadband, (+Projector and Pavilion) / 918.17 / 001449
Clerks Expenses May / Concrete / 1746.00 / 001450
Three Mobile / Parish Phone / 35.10 / DD
Coadman Contractors * / Pavilion Materials / 2000.00 / 001451
Coadman Contractors * / Pavilion Materials / 3316.91 / 001452
R B Domestic Electrical * / Fused Spur - Coolham Defibrillator / 102.75 / 001453
* Payments authorised outside of a council meeting as per minute item 081/16 in accordance with the Council's Financial
Regulations Section 4, 4.5
Funds Transferred since last meeting
D/Acc. To C/Acc. / 19/05/2016 / 6000.00
(Pavilion Cost Cover) / 06/06/2016 / 6000.00
Balances on Accounts.
Current Acc. / 4026.77
Deposit Acc. / 28819.05
Investment Acc. (NSI) / 5212.45
Includes Neighbourhood Plan Grant / 2,500.00
Includes Operation Watershed 2014 / 550
Includes NHC Pavilion Restoration Grant / 4,000.00
To Pay after this Meeting. / Invoiced Services
Country Crafts / Church Close Strimming / 105.00 / 001454
P J Consultants / Internal Accounts Audit / 182.13 / 001455
Grasstex / Grounds Maintenance & Shrub Prune / 779.88 / 001456
SLCC / Arnold Baker Reference Book / 76.60 / 001457
HALC / Subscription / 15.00 / 001458
WSCC Payroll / Staff Salaries / 785.46 / 001459
Clerks Expenses / Mileage, Broadband, (Concrete for Pavilion) / 193.57 / 001460
Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. / 0.00
Cllr Coad asked if Country Crafts had provided information on the strimming work invoiced. The Clerk has requested information and this has not yet been clarified by Country Crafts. The cheque will be held until this has been received.