04/16 Cornell Notes: “Oral Hygiene” Pgs. 120-122 83

1.  What is the purpose of having teeth? Pg. 120
2. How should you care for your teeth? Pg. 120 / ·  Healthy teeth and gums enable you to chew food thoroughly and speak clearly. Your teeth also give shape and structure to your mouth.
·  You should care for your teeth by brushing and flossing daily.
·  Brush after every meal.
·  Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and replace it every two to three months or after an illness.
·  Use toothpaste that contains fluoride.
3. Why is flossing important? pg. 120 / ·  Flossing removes food trapped between your teeth and along the gumline that rinsing and brushing miss.
4. What are three healthy teeth guidelines you should follow? Pg. 120 / ·  Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Also include foods that contain calcium, such as milk and yogurt.
·  Limit your intake of sugar.
·  Visit a dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings and exams.
5. What lives in your mouth? Pg. 122
6. How does plaque form? Pg. 122
7. What is plaque? Pg. 122 / ·  Bacteria live in your mouth.
·  When bacteria combines with saliva and the sugary substances that you eat, plaque forms.
·  Plaque is a thin, sticky film that builds up on teeth and contributes to tooth decay.
8. What happens after plaque is formed? Pg. 122 / ·  Once plaque is formed, the bacteria on the teeth produce an acid.
·  This acid can eat a hole, or cavity, in the tooth’s enamel.
·  If not stopped, the cavity gets bigger over time.
·  The decay spreads, invading the tooth’s dentin.
·  Decay then spreads to the pulp.
·  The cavity then eats the nerves and you get a toothache.
9. What is tartar? Pg. 122 / ·  Un-removed hardened plaque that threatens gum health.
Summary #2 / Q: What are nutritious snacks you can eat to keep your teeth healthy?
A: You can eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Also include foods that contain calcium, such as milk and yogurt.