Ба2.728.003 РЭ
Operating Manual
Ба 2.728.003 РЭ(AU 2.728.003 OM)
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Specifications
1.3 Device components
1.4 Structure and function
1.5 Labelling andsealing
1.6 Packaging
2.1 Safetymeasures
2.2 Installationandconnection of the meter
2.3 Workingsequence
Thisoperatingmanualisdesignedtoprovidetheoperatingpersonnelwithaninsightintothestructure, operationprincipleandspecificationsofthedigitalmultifunctionnetworkmeterЦИС0307 (DMN0307) (hereinafter referred to as meter) and containsthe information necessary to use it properly during operation, maintenance, storage and transportation.
Pleasereadandunderstandthisoperatingmanualandobservealltherecommendations given in it before connecting the meter and using it for its intended purpose.
Themetersareregistered in the National Register of Measuring Equipment Admitted for Use in Ukraine. RegistrationNo.У3494-14
Theinformationconcerningthemeters’ certification is provided in AppendixА.
Developer and manufacturer of the meters:
Uman Megommeter Plant Public Joint-Stock Company,
Sovetskaya str. 49,
Uman, Cherkassy oblast,
1.1.1Dependingonitsversion, themeterisdesignedtomeasuretheelectricalparametersofsingle- andthree-phase, three-wireandthree-phase, four-wireACnetworks: lineand phase voltages, electric current intensity in phases, active and reactive power, power factor and frequency.
ThemeterprovidesinformationexchangeusingtheRS–485interface (hereinafter referred to as interface), has a 4–20 mA analog output and relay outputs (relay contacts closure following the achievement of the controlled quantity of a predefined setting).
1.1.2Themeterisusedinpower engineering and industry facilities to control electrical parameters.
The interface information exchange feature and the availability of analog and relay outputs allow the use of the meter in automated systems of different purpose.
1.1.3The meter is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 22261-94 «Measuring Instruments for Electrical and Magnetic Quantities. General Specifications», DSTUIEC 61010-1:2005 «Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use. PartI. GeneralSpecifications»andAU2.728.003 design documentation.
1.1.4 Standard conditions of the meter’s use are specified in GOST 22261 and Clause4.3.1 hereof.
1.1.5Accordingtothevaluesofinfluencingquantitiesreflectingtheclimaticandmechanicaleffectsinitsoperatingconditionsofuse, themeterfalls into Group 3 under GOST 22261, but has an extended temperature range from - 30 °Сto + 50 °Сwith the relative humidity of the air reaching 90 % at 25 °С.
1.1.6 Themeter’sversionsvarydependingonthenumberofthephasescontrolled, their three-phase (three-wire and four-wire) networkconnectiondiagram, nominal voltage in the network controlled and current transformer nominal secondary current.
Measuringrangescanbesetinthemeter with allowance for transformer voltage (for voltage transformers with a secondary coil nominal voltage of 100 V) and current (for current transformers with a secondary coil nominal current of 1 A and 5 A) ratios, relay and analog output parameters, network address and the format of the current parameters displayed by the indicatorsusingcontrolbuttonssituatedinthefrontplate and (or) through the meter’s interface.
1.1.7 Information concerning the meter’s version is contained in the code of its complete reference designation:
ЦИС0307 - Х - Х - Х
current transformer nominal secondary current – 1 Аor5 А
nominal voltage in the network controlled – 100 V, 220 V, 380 V
numberofphases in the network controlled and three-phase network connection diagram – 1 (single-phase), 3/3 (three-phase, three-wire), 3/4 (three-phase, four-wire)
Thefollowingisanexampleofameter’sdesignationlistingatthetimeoftheirorderandinthe documentation of other products: «ЦИС0307-3/4-380-5 (DMN0307-3/4-380-5) Digital Multifunctional Network Meter» – three-phase meter with a four-wire connection diagram, network nominal voltage of 380 Vand current transformer nominal secondary current of 5 А.
1.2 Specifications
1.2.1 Themeters’ measurementresultsaredisplayeddigitallybythreefour-digitLED indicators.
1.2.2 Dependingonitsversion, themetermeasurestheparametersofsingle- and three-phase, three-wire and three-phase four-wire AC systems and displays the measurement results in digital indicators according to Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
Parameter / Symbols / Measurement in networksSingle-phase* / Three-phase, three-wire / Three-phase, four wire
RMS phase voltage value / UA
UC / +
– / –
– / +
RMS line voltage value / UAB
UCA / –
– / +
– / +
RMS phase current value / IA
IC / +
– / +
+ / +
Phase load active power / PA
PC / +
– / –
– / +
Total load active power / P / – / + / +
Phase load reactive power / QA
QC / +
– / –
– / +
Total load reactive power / Q / – / + / +
Active power factor by phase / cos φA
cos φB
cos φC / +
– / –
– / +
Total active power factor / cos φ / – / + / +
Network frequency / F / + / + / +
* Connection to phase A is conventional for single-phase networks.
1.2.3The nominal values of the parameters measured by the meter and the measuring ranges of these parameters are specified in Table 1.2. The active power factor nominal value iscosφ = 1, that of the reactive power factor issinφ = 1. The measured signal frequency nominal value is 50 Hz.
Table 1.2
Name of the quantity measured / Name of specification / Normalized values for different modifications and versionsЦИС0307 – 3/3(4) – / ЦИС0307 – 1 –
380-5 / 380-1 / 100-5 / 100-1 / 220-5 / 220-1
Phase voltage effective value*, V / Measuring range / 30-250 / 30-250 / 10-70 / 10-70 / 30-250 / 30-250
Nominal value / 220 / 220 / 57.73 / 57.73 / 220 / 220
Line voltage effective value, V / Measuring range / 50-450 / 50-450 / 20-120 / 20-120 / – / –
Nominal value / 380 / 380 / 100 / 100 / – / –
Phase current effective value, А / Measuring range / 0.05–5.0 / 0.01-1.2 / 0.05-5.0 / 0.01-1.2 / 0.05-5.0 / 0,01-1.2
Indication range / 0 – 6.0 / 0 – 1.2 / 0 – 6.0 / 0 – 1.2 / 0 – 6.0 / 0 – 1.2
Nominal value / 5 / 1 / 5 / 1 / 5 / 1
Phase* active,W, and reactive, var, powers / Measuring range / 1.5-1375 / 0.3-300 / 0.5-385 / 0.1-84 / 1.5-1375 / 0.3-300
Nominal value / 1100 / 220 / 290 / 58 / 1100 / 220
Total active,W, and reactive, var, powers / Measuring range / 4.5-4125 / 0.9-900 / 1.5-1155 / 0.3-252 / – / –
Nominal value / 3300 / 660 / 870 / 175 / – / –
Active power factor for each phase, cos φ / Measuring range / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5
Nominal value / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total active power factor, cos φ / Measuring range / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5 / 0.5-1-0.5
Nominal value / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Network frequency, Hz / Measuring range / 40-65 / 40-65 / 40-65 / 40-65 / 40-65 / 40-65
Nominal value / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50
*Single-phase and three-phase four-wire network meter parameter
1.2.4PowerissuppliedtothemeterthroughAC mains with a frequency of (50 ± 0.2) Hz, voltage ranging from 100 Vto 250 V.
1.2.5 The maximum supply mains power consumed by the meter is5 V·A.
1.2.6 The maximum voltage measuring circuit input current is0.4 mA.
The maximumcurrentmeasuringcircuitinputimpedance is 0.2 Ω.
1.2.7Themeterhasthreerelayoutputsprovidingrelaycontactclosure following the achievement of the controlled quantity of a predefined setting.
Controlledquantitypredefinedsettingerrorafterrelay action should be consistent with the fundamental measurement error specified.
The format of the parameter under control, as well as the value and format of the setting (bottom or top), are set using control buttons situated in the meter’s front panel or through the meter’s interface.
The maximum current going through the relay output contacts is5 A, whereas the maximum commutation voltage is 250 VAC and 110 VDC with an active load. The maximum commutationpoweris 1250 V·АAC and 250 WDC. The minimumnumberofrelayoutputcontactactions is 105.
1.2.8The meter is connected with external devices via anRS–485 interface. The communications protocol used isMODBUSRTU. Communications speed is 9600 bauds. A network address from 1 to 250 is set in the meter.
1.2.9Themeterhasa 4 – 20 mA analog output designed to control the external actuating mechanism or relay the input signal. Theoutputcurrentvariesfrom 4 mAto 20 mA, thecontrolledquantityrangingfromzeroto the measuring range final value of the selected parameter; when the active power factor is measured, it ranges from zero to modulo one.
The maximum load impedance is 500 Ω.
Thelimitofoutputcurrentformationabsolutefundamental error is ± 0.2 mА.
The format of the controlled parameter is set using control buttons situated in the meter’s front panel or through its interface.
1.2.10Themaximum operating condition setting time is 1 min.
1.2.11Running time is unlimited.
1.2.12The meter’s orientation is free.
1.2.13The meter’s overall dimensions are96 mmx96 mmx90 mm.
1.2.14The meter’s maximum mass is0.4 kg.
1.2.15Themeter’senclosureclassisIP30 according to GOST 14254-96 «The Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (code:IP)».
1.2.16 Themeter’saccuracyclassis 0.5 according to GOST 8.401.-80 «Measuring Instruments Accuracy Classes. GeneralRequirements».
Themaximumpermissibleobservationalfundamental error of voltage, reactive and active power, frequency and power factor measurement is 0.5 % of the nominal value of the corresponding parameter.
1.2.17Themetermeetstherequirementsof 1.2.16within the limits of power supply variation from 100 Vto 250 V.
1.2.18Themeterisheat- andcold-resistantwithinthetemperaturerangeof -30 Сto + 50 С. Themaximumpermissiblecomplementaryerrorduetothevariationof ambient air temperature from the standard to any temperature within the operating range is ± 0.25 % of nominal temperature value for every 10 С of temperature variation during voltage, current and frequency measurements and± 0.5 % of its nominal value for every 10 Сof temperature variation during active power, reactive power and active power factor measurements.
1.2.19 Themeterismoisture-resistantata maximumrelative air humidity of90 % and a temperature of 25 С. Themaximumpermissiblecomplementaryerrorduetoexcessive air humidity is ± 0.5 % of the nominal value of the controlled parameter.
1.2.20 Themeteris free fall resistant according to GOST 22261.
1.2.21Themetermeetsthe electromagnetic compatibility requirements of GOST 29216-91 «Electromagnetic Compatibility of Equipment. Industrial Radio Noise Produced by Information Technology Equipment. Testing Norms and Methods». Thelevelofindustrial radio noise produced by the meter should not exceed the limits set for class A equipment.
1.2.22The minimum standard mean time between the meter’s failuresis 50000 h.
1.2.23 Themeterisa restorable maintainable multifunction item.
1.2.24 The meter’s average life is 10 years.
1.3 Device Components
1.3.1The meter’s supply package includes:
meter – 1 pce;
fittings – 1 set;
operating manual (the CALIBRATION chapter is supplied on separate order) – 1 copy;
control program disk – 1 pce.
1.4 Structure and Function
1.4.1 Themeterisenclosedin high impact plastic. The meter’s appearance by version is shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2.
а) б)
Figure 1.1 – Appearanceofthefrontpanel: а – single-phasenetworkparameter meter; б –three-phase networkparameter meter.
Figure 1.2 – Appearance of the back panel.
(Inscriptions from top to bottom: DB9M port; terminal strips.)
1.4.2 The following is situated in the meter’s front panel:
– three four-digit digital LED indicators designed to display the values of the network parameters measured;
– fourbuttons(« * »,« », « », « ») to control the meter’s operation modes;
– lettersymbolsdenotingmeasurement units: Vfor voltage, А for current, Wfor active power, varfor reactive power, cosφfor active power factor, Hzfor frequency;
– lettersymbolsdenotingthemultiplierofameasurementunit: kforkilo, Мfor mega, (if one of the symbols in three-phase network meters is highlighted, the multiplier applies to the measurement units induced in all three indicators except cosφ);
– lettersymbolsdenotingphasesandlines: А-В, В-С, С-Аdenotetheindicationoflinevoltagesbetweenthecorrespondingphasesifthe unit indicator under the symbols is not highlighted; if the unit indicators under lettersА, В, С,are highlighted, the induced quantity values for the corresponding phases is shown.
Terminalstripsdesignedtoconnectthemeterstomeasuringcircuits, tothesupplycircuitsandthewarningcircuit, aswellasaDB9M plug designed to connect it to the interface circuits and to provide an analog output, are situated in the meter’s back panel.
1.4.3 OperationPrinciple
Thealternatingphaseorlinevoltageandcurrenttransformersecondarycoilvoltagecometotheinputofthemultifunctionanalog-to-digitalconverter (ADC) viatheinputdividers. TheADCmeasuresthevaluesoftheinputsignals, digitizes them and passes the data to the microcontroller.
Themicrocontrollerisresponsibleforthemathematical treatment of the measurement results, calculates the digital values of the network parameters and passes the information to the digital indicators.
Inaddition, themicrocontrollerreceivesandtransmitsthesignalsoftheserialinterfaceviatheinterfacenodethatisresponsiblefortheisolationandconnection by microcontroller electric signal level and in the interface transmission line, compares the values of the network parameters measured with the setting values and controls the relay outputs depending on the results of the comparison.
Adigital-to-analogconverterandcurrentamplifierresponsibleforoutput current variation in proportion with the variation of the controlled parameter value serve to implement the 4-20 mA analog output. The isolation of the microcontroller circuits and the current output circuit is provided by a digital isolator.
Thevoltageconverterconvertingthe external supply voltage to the necessary levels serves for the power supply of the main circuits and the isolated circuit of the analog output.
1.5 Labelling and Sealing
1.5.1 The meter is marked with the following signs and symbols:
ЦИС0307-Х-Х-Х – meter designation;
– manufacturer’s trademark;
–electric circuit is tested with 3 kV voltage against the enclosure;
– electric circuit is protected with reinforced insulation;
0,5 – accuracy class;
V, A, W, var, cosφ, Hz – units of quantities measured (Hzfor single-phase meters);
k, M – symbols for measurement unit multipliers;
* , <, >, – symbols of control buttons;
~ – alternating current circuit;
А-В, В-С, С-А – linedesignation;
САТІІ – installationcategory (overvoltage category);
RS-485, 4-20 mA – RS-485and4-20 mA interface line connection port;
1 – 18 – terminal strip contact numbers;
04.13 – month and year of manufacture;
–measuringinstrumentpatternapprovalmark (Ukraine);
– measuring instrument type compatibility mark
(Ukraine, ifcertified).
1.5.2 Themeterissealedfromthebacksideoftheenclosure in the fastener hole recess.
1.6 Packaging
1.6.1Themeter’spackagingshouldmeetGOST9181-74 «Electric Meters. Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage» andБа2.728.003 (AU2.728.003) design documentation.
1.6.2Thetransportpackaging, mass and overall dimensions of cargo packages should meet the requirements ofБа2.728.003 (AU2.728.003) design documentation.
2.1 SafetyMeasures
2.1.1Themeter’ssafetymeettherequirementsofGOST 22261, DSTU ІЕС 61010-1andGOST 12.2.091-2002 «Electric Control and Laboratory Equipment Safety. Part 1. GeneralRequirements»*).
Themeterbelongstoinstallationcategory (overvoltage category) II andpollution degree 2 productsaccording to DSTU IEC 61010-1.
2.1.2The meter’s use should be regulated by the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Regulatory Legal Act 40.1-1.21-98«Regulations for Safe Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations», GOST 12.3.019-80 «Electrical Testing and Measurements. General Specifications» and «Safety Rules for Operation of Customers’ Electrical Installations».
2.1.3 The meter is provided with reinforced insulation and belongs to protection categoryII.
Theinsulationofcurrent-carryingcircuitsshouldendure the followingalternating current testing voltage with the frequency of 50 Hz for one minute:
– 3 kVbetweenthepowersystemcircuit, voltage and current measurement circuits and the surfaces of the meter’s enclosure within hand’s reach;
– 2 kVbetweenthepowersystemcircuit andvoltage and current measurement circuits;
– 2kVbetweenthepowersystemcircuit, voltage and current measurement circuitsand analog output, interface and relay output circuits.
2.1.4 Theminimum impedance of the insulation of the circuits between which the testing voltage is placed is:
– 40 MΩunder normal conditions of use;
– 7 MΩat a temperature of + 50 Сand maximum air humidity of
*)For the meters supplied to Russian Federation and CU conutries.
80 %, andatmaximum excessive air humidity of 90 % and a temperature of + 25 С.
2.1.4Themeterisconnectedanddisconnectedonlywiththesupplyandmeasurement circuits off after taking measures to avoid switching them on accidentally.
2.2 Installation and Connection of the Meter
2.2.1 Theinstallationdimensionsfor switchboard mounting and the fastening technique are shown in Figure 2.1.
Error! Chapter not specified.
Switchboard layout Switchboard fastening technique
Figure 2.1 – Switchboard mounting of a meter.
2.2.2 Themetercanbemountedeitherona ferromagnetic switchboard or on a nonferromagnetic one.
2.2.3 Skinthetailsof mounting wires for 6-8 mmand blanch them.
Connecttheouterconductorstothemeasuring, feedand relay output circuits in accordance with the patterns in Figures 2.2 – 2.6. Todoit, inserta2 mmwidescrewdriverbladeintherectangularholeof the terminal strip until tight and insert the conductor’s tail in the circular hole; then, take the screwdriver blade out if the conductor is soft or insert the conductor’s tail in the circular hole until tight without inserting the screwdriver blade if the conductor is hard. Make sure the conductor is fastened securely. The maximum section of the conductors connected to these terminal strips is 2.5 mm2.
Todisconnecttheconductor from the meter, insert the screwdriver blade in the rectangular hole until tight and take the conductor out.
Connectthemeterto 4-20 mAanalog output circuits and the RS-485 line using aDB9F socket to which conductors are soldered in accordance with the patterns shown in Figures 2.2 – 2.6. InstalltheRS-485lineusinga twisted shielded pair.
The meter’s external connection patterns and the designation of terminal strip contacts and the port are shown in Figures 2.2 – 2.6.
Warning! Incorrectphaseconnectionandinputcurrentconnection polarity will result in incorrect readings of the meter.
Figure 2.2 – The external connection pattern of the ЦИС0307-1-220-1(5) single-phase network meter.
(Inscriptions from left to right and from top to bottom: to RS-485 line; analog output; relay output actuating relay contacts; power supply; DB9M port.)
Figure 2.3 – TheconnectionpatternofЦИС0307-3/4-380-1(5)meter to a three-phase, four-wire network without voltage transformers.
(Inscriptions from left to right and from top to bottom: to RS-485 line; analog output; relay output actuating relay contacts; power supply; DB9M port.)
Figure 2.4 – Thepattern of a meter’s connection to a three-phase, four-wire network with voltage transformers with the secondary coil nominal line voltage of 100 V.
(Inscriptions from left to right and from top to bottom: to RS-485 line; analog output; relay output actuating relay contacts; power supply; DB9M port.)
Figure 2.5 – Thepattern of a meter’s connection to a three-phase, three-wire network without voltage transformers.
(Inscriptions from left to right and from top to bottom: to RS-485 line; analog output; relay output actuating relay contacts; power supply; DB9M port.)
Figure 2.6 – Thepatternofameter’sconnection toathree-phase, three-wirenetworkwiththe secondary coil nominal line voltage of100 V.
(Inscriptions from left to right and from top to bottom: to RS-485 line; analog output; relay output actuating relay contacts; power supply; DB9M port.)
2.3 WorkingSequence
2.3.1 Energisethemeterand set the parameters. Inputsignalsdonothinder parameter setting.
Warning! To set the parameters, one should know the access password. The password set by the manufacturing plant is 0000. If changed, the password should be remembered. If you forgot the password, connect the meter to a computer via theRS-485 interface, launch the control program and, using theCHANGEPASSWORD function,set a new password or send the meter to the manufacturing plant.
2.3.2 Meter parameter setting Voltage Transformer Transformation Ratio Setting
Enter the setting menu by pressing «*» button. The menu of voltage transformer transformation ratio setting will be displayed in the indicators
F_ _U
Enterthemenu of voltage transformer transformation ratio settingby pressing «» button. The access password input menu will be displayed in the indicators
–– – _
Entertheaccesspasswordusing«»and «» buttons, movingthecursor by pressing «*» button, and press «» button.If the password entered is correct, the following information will be displayed in the indicators:
F_ _U
1.000 (previously set ratio)
– – – –
Press«*»button.A cursor will appear in the bottom indicator; set the transformation ratio of the voltage transformer being used (U1/U2) using«<» and«>» buttons, moving the cursor by pressing «*» button. If the meter is being connected without any voltage transformer, enter 1.000 as the ratio. Press «» button. The input menu of the next parameter will be displayed in the indicators. To quit the setting menu, press «*» button. Setting the Current Transformer Transformation Ratio
Enter the setting menu by pressing «*» button. The following menu will be displayed in the indicators
F_ _U
F_ _I
and press «» button.The access password input menu will be displayed in the indicators
–– – _
Entertheaccesspasswordusing «»and «» buttons, movingthecursor by pressing «*» button, and press «» button. If the password entered is correct, the following menu will be displayed in the indicators
F_ _I
1.000 (previouslysetratio)
– – – –
Press «*»button.Acursorwillappearinthebottomindicator; setthetransformationratioofthecurrenttransformerbeingused (I1/I2) using«<» and«>» buttons, movingthecursorbypressing «*» button. Press «» button. The input menu of the next parameter will be displayed in the indicators. To quit the setting menu, press «*» button. Setting the Relay Output Parameters
Enter the setting menu by pressing «*» button. The following menu will be displayed in the indicators
F_ _U
Choose the relay output parameter setting menu using «>»button rEL1
andpress «»button.The access password input menu will be displayed in the indicators
–– – _
Entertheaccesspasswordusing «»and «» buttons, movingthecursor by pressing «*» button, and press «» button. If the password entered is correct, the following menu will be displayed in the indicators
UAUP (previously set parameters)
– – – –
Press «*»button. A cursor will appear in the bottom indicator, pointing at the relay-controlled network parameter indicated by the first two symbols in the middle indicator. Choose the necessary parameter using«<»and«>» buttons:
– for single-phase meters
U – voltage;
I – current;
P – active power;
O – reactive power;
C – power factor;
F – frequency.
– for three-phase meters
UA, UB, UC – phase voltage by phase (A, B, C);
U1, U2, U3 – line voltage between phases (AB, BC, CA);
IA, IB, IC – line current in phases A, B, C;
PA, PB, PC, PS – active power in phasesA, B, C, total power;
OA, OB, OC, OS – reactive power in phasesA, B, C, total power;
CA, CB, CC, CS – active power factor for phasesA, B, C, total factor;
F_ – network frequency.
On choosing the necessary parameter, press «*» button.The cursor in the bottom indicator will move to the right, pointing at the next two symbols in the middle indicator that denote the setting type. Using«<»and«>» buttons, choose the necessary setting type:
UP – top setting;
dn – bottom setting.
Press «» button. The value input menu of the selected parameter will be displayed in the indicators