NZQF NQ Ref / 0191 / Version / 5 / Page1 of 10

National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support) with optional strands in Aeronautical Composites; Aeronautical Electroplating; Aeronautical Machining; Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing; Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment; Aircraft Mechanical; Aircraft Painting; Aircraft Powerplant; Aircraft Structures; Armament; Avionics; and Rotorcraft

Level / 4
Credits / 105

This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is

31 December 2020.

Transition Arrangements

This qualification has been reviewed and replaced bythe New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support) (Level 4) with strands in General Aviation; Aeronautical Composites; Aeronautical Electroplating; Aeronautical Machining; Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing; Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment; Aircraft Mechanical; Aircraft Painting; Aircraft Powerplant; Aircraft Structures; Armament; Avionics; and Rotorcraft [Ref: 2900].

The last date for entry into programmes leading to this qualification is 31 December 2017.

The last date for assessment of this qualification is 31 December 2020, when the qualification will be discontinued.

For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.

NQF Registration Information







Last Date for Assessment

Registration / 1 / July 1996 /

December 1999

Review / 2 / November 1997 / December 2010
Revision /


/ August 2002 /

December 2010

Review /


/ March 2008 /

December 2020

Review /


/ October 2015 /

December 2020

Standard Setting Body


PO Box 25522

Wellington 6146

Telephone0800 863 693

Fax04 817 5399


National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support) with optional strands in Aeronautical Composites; Aeronautical Electroplating; Aeronautical Machining; Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing; Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment; Aircraft Mechanical; Aircraft Painting; Aircraft Powerplant; Aircraft Structures; Armament; Avionics; and Rotorcraft


/ 4


/ 105


This qualification incorporates eight compulsory core unit standards common to the award of the National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering with strands in Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing, Armament, Avionic Electrical Repair, Avionic Instrument Repair, Avionic Maintenance, Avionic Radio Repair, Aircraft Mechanical, Aircraft Powerplant, Rotorcraft, and Aircraft Structures [Ref: 0192], the National Certificate in Aircraft Servicing [Ref: 0171], and the National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Related Technology) [Ref: 0381], and is another step on the pathway for people interested in a career in aeronautical engineering.

The certificate is intended for people who currently hold a National Certificate in a subfield other than aeronautical engineering, or equivalent, for example general engineering, or allied trades, and who are using the skills contained in that qualification in the aeronautical engineering industry.

People who achieve this qualification have the ability to undertake a range of aeronautical engineering specialist support tasks of a limited nature in accordance with the requirements of Part 43 and/or Part 145 of the Civil Aviation Rules 1990. The general qualification covers broad knowledge and skills relevant across all sectors of the aeronautical engineering industry, and is particularly useful within the broad spectrum of the General Aviation sector. The optional strands embedded in the qualification recognise the specialised knowledge and skill in the sector chosen.

There are two paths in this qualification to achieve the required total of 105 credits.

aA general aeronautical engineering (specialist support) qualification, where 105 credits are required, with 55 credits coming from the compulsory unit standards, and the remaining 50 credits coming from the specified domains in the subfield Aeronautical Engineering, resulting in award of the National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support) [Ref: 0191]; or

bA specialised general engineering (specialist support) qualification, with 55 credits coming from the compulsory unit standards, and the remaining 50 credits coming from the domain or domains appropriate to one of the strands, resulting in, for example, award of the National Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support) with the optional Aircraft Mechanical strand [Ref: 0191].

The structure of the qualification allows trainees and employers the flexibility to tailor programmes to meet individual or employer skill needs that reflect the diverse roles in the aeronautical engineering industry.


Core Compulsory


Aeronautical Engineering Elective


Optional Strands

Level 1 credits

/ 1 / 0-10 / 0-10
Level 2 credits / 18 / 0-10 / 0-10
Level 3 credits / 36 / 0-10 / 0-10
Level 4 credits / - / 40-50 / 40-50
Minimum totals / 55 / 50 / 50
Level of qualification / - / 4 / 4

Requirements for Award of Qualification

Award of NQF Qualifications

Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.

Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at

Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.

Summary of Requirements

A minimum of 105 credits

Compulsory Standards

Aeronautical Engineering Elective – A minimum of 50 credits as specified

  • Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

The following strands are optional

Aeronautical Composites Strand

Aeronautical Electroplating Strand

Aeronautical Machining Strand

Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing Strand

Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment Strand

Aircraft Mechanical Strand

Aircraft Painting Strand

Aircraft Powerplant Strand

Aircraft Structures Strand

Armament Strand

Avionics Strand

Rotorcraft Strand

Detailed Requirements


The following standards are required

Engineering and Technology > Aeronautical Engineering > Aeronautical Engineering - Core

Id / Title / Level / Credit
3894 / Use aeronautical industry publications and documentation / 3 / 6
3895 / Apply aeronautical engineering maintenance practices / 3 / 20
3896 / Select, use, and maintain aeronautical engineering tools and equipment / 3 / 10
5428 / Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft construction and maintenance practices / 2 / 14

Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Engineering Core Skills

Id / Title / Level / Credit
21911 / Demonstrate knowledge of safety on engineering worksites / 2 / 1
21912 / Apply safe working practices on an engineering worksite / 2 / 2

Health > Health Studies > Core Health

Id / Title / Level / Credit
6401 / Provide first aid / 2 / 1
6402 / Provide resuscitation level 2 / 1 / 1

Aeronautical Engineering Elective

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Armament
Aeronautical Composites
Aeronautical Electroplating
Aeronautical Machining
Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing
Aeronautical Storekeeping
Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment
Aircraft Mechanical Maintenance
Aircraft Mechanical Repair and Overhaul
Aircraft Painting
Aircraft Powerplant Maintenance
Aircraft Powerplant Repair and Overhaul
Aircraft Servicing
Aircraft Structures
Avionic Electrical Repair
Avionic Instrument Repair
Avionic Maintenance
Avionic Radio Repair
Helicopter Maintenance
Helicopter Repair and Overhaul

Aeronautical Composites Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Composites

Aeronautical Electroplating Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Electroplating

Aeronautical Machining Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Machining

Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Non Destructive Testing

Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Furnishings and Equipment

Aircraft Mechanical Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Mechanical Maintenance
Aircraft Mechanical Repair and Overhaul

Aircraft Painting Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Painting

Aircraft Powerplant Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Powerplant Maintenance
Aircraft Powerplant Repair and Overhaul

Aircraft Structures Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Structures

Armament Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Aeronautical Armament

Avionics Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Avionic Electrical Repair
Avionic Instrument Repair
Avionic Maintenance
Avionic Radio Repair

Rotorcraft Optional Strand

A minimum of 50 credits

Of which a minimum of 40 credits at Level 4 or above

Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Aeronautical Engineering / Helicopter Maintenance
Helicopter Repair and Overhaul

Transition Arrangements

Version 4

Version 4 was issued following review in order to update changes to content.

Changes to structure and content

  • the qualification structure has changed to make all strands optional, and to add the Aeronautical Engineering elective;
  • Aeronautical Electroplating has been added as a new strand;
  • additional domains have been added to the avionic strand;
  • compulsory unit standard 2824 has been replaced by unit standards 21911 and 21912;
  • unit standards 3894 and 3896 have been raised to Level 3.

For detailed information see ReviewSummaries on the NZQA website.

People currently enrolled in programmes leading to the award of version 3 of this qualification may either complete that version or transfer to version 4. All versions of this qualification will be recognised by ServiceIQ.

This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.

Credit for / Exempt from
2824 / 21911, 21912

This qualification contains classifications that replace earlier classifications. For the purposes of this qualification people who have gained credit for the standards listed in the lapsing classification are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the standards in the new classifications.

Credit for / Exempt from
Engineering and Technology>Aeronautical Engineering > Avionic Repair - Lapsing / Engineering and Technology > Aeronautical Engineering > Avionic Electrical Repair
Engineering and Technology > Aeronautical Engineering > Avionic Instrument Repair
Engineering and Technology > Aeronautical Engineering > Avionic Radio Repair

Previous versions of the qualification

Version 3 was issued following a revision. The requirement for the Metal Surface Finishing Strand was amended to a minimum of 50 credits at level 3 from the Metal Surface Finishing domain; the level of the qualification was updated to 3 or 4 depending on which strand was selected; titles of core health unit standards were updated.

Version 2 was issued following a review. The main changes included structuring the elective sets into strands, adding unit standard 3895 to the Core Compulsory, thus raising the overall credit total by 20 credits, and substituting unit standard 6401 for unit standard 6400.

Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification




The certificate will display the logos of NZQA, the provider and ServiceIQ.


This qualification is classified according to the NQF classification system and the NewZealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.

DAS Classification / NZSCED
Code / Description / Code / Description
198 / Engineering and Technology > Aeronautical Engineering / 031503 / Engineering and Related Technologies > Aerospace Engineering and Technology > Aircraft Maintenance Engineering

Quality Management Systems

Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) for each standard.

Prerequisite Diagram

SSB Code 9068 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018