1. *lament: (luh MENT) to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner (derivatives>lamented, lamenting, lamentation, lamentable)
2. *quench: (KWENCH) to extinguish, to put out; to relieve with liquid (derivatives> quencher, quenched, quenching, quenchable, quenchableness)
3. *relish: (REL ish) to take great pleasure or delight in (derivatives> relishable, relished, relishing)
4. reparation: (reh par RAY shun)something making up for a wrong or an injury (derivatives> repair, reparative)
5. *solace: (SOL is)comfort; relief (derivatives> solaceful, solacement, solacer, solaced, solacing)
6. purge: (PURJ)purify; cleanse (derivatives> purged, purging)
7. *fret: (FRET) to worry or be annoyed (Derivatives>fretted, fretting, frets, freful, fretfully, frefulness)
8. *infamous: (IN fuh mus) having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously bad (derivatives> infamously, infamy, infamies)
9. writhing:(RIth ing) making twisting or turning motions (derivatives>writhe, writhed)
10. *artful: (ART ful) skillful, clever, tricky (derivatives>artfully, artfulness)
11. *hack: (HAK) one who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or reward (derivatives> hacks)
12. massive: (MAS iv) big and solid; bulky (derivatives>massively, massiveness)
13. *loathsome: (LOETH sum) disgusting (derivatives>loathe, loathful, loathing, loathingly, loathness,)
14. *hoary: (HORE ee) white with age (derivatives> hoarier, hoariest)
15. *utter: (UT ur) to express by speaking (derivatives>utters, uttered, uttering, utterance)
02 Beowulf1. mail [MAYL] armor made of connected metal rings, or loops of chain
2. fleeing [FLEE ing] running away; vanishing
3. boast [BOHST] speak with excessive pride; brag
4. inherited [in HER i tid] received property from a person by a will
5. feud [FYOOD] a long, bitter quarrel, especially between families
6. protector [proh TEK ter] someone or something who guards others from harm
7. truce [TROOS] an agreement to stop fighting
8. swayed [SWAYD] shifted from side to side; rocked back and forth
9. deserted [de SURT id] abandoned; empty of people
10. threshold [THRESH ohld] an entranceway
11. relished [REL ishd] enjoyed; found pleasure in
12. comrades [KAHM radz] companions; friends
13. sought [SAWT] looked for
14. dissolved [di ZAHLVD] melted away; transformed into liquid
15. uttered [UHT terd] spoke; expressed verbally
Knights & Chivalry1. assay: (AH SAY) to prove or test
2. adjure: (AD jur) request solemnly; appeal to earnestly
3. feigned: (FAYNED)Made a false show of; pretended
4. adroitly: (AD ro it lee) with physical or mental skill
5. largesse: (LAR JUH es) nobility of spirit
6. righteous: (RYE chus) acting in a just, upright manner; doing what is right
7. entreated: (en TREAT ed)made an earnest appeal; pleaded
8. peril: (PEH ril) exposure to harm or injury
9. interred: (IN terd) buried
10. Chivalry: (SHI vahl ree)the system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood; the qualities of an ideal knight
11. fused: (FYOOZD) mixed together; united together to become inseparable
12. swooned: (SWOOND)fainted; collapsed
13. hermit: (HUR mit) person living alone away from society; a recluse
14. barren: (BAR ren)not producing offspring or vegetation; infertile; empty
15. groveling: (GRAHV el ing) cringing; totally submissive
Arthurian Legends1. Embellish: [Em BEL ish] to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details
2. Court: [KORT] the residence or establishment of a sovereign or similar dignitary
3. Tarry: [tair EE] to delay or be tardy in acting or doing
4. Dais: [DA eyis] a raised platform (as in a hall or large room)
5. Wield: [WEELD]to handle (as a tool) especially effectively
6. Courteous: [ker TEE yis] marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage
7. Valor : [va ler] strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery
8. Countenance: [kow TEN ans] calm expression; mental composure
9. Boon: [BOON]favor or benefit; especially : one that is given in answer to a request
10. Comely: [koem LEE] having a pleasing appearance
11. Honor: [aan ER]a keen sense of ethical conduct
12. Renown: [Rin NOUN] a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored
13. Doleful: [doe FULL]causing grief or affliction
14. Hilt: [HILT] a handle especially of a sword or dagger
15. Tomb: [TEUM] a house, chamber, or vault for the dead
Heroes and Heroism1. beached [BEECHD] adj. hauled or brought ashore
2. reverence [REV uh rens] n. deep respect; awe
3. harassed [huh RASD] v. bothered; also, attacked repeatedly
4. horizon [huh RY zuhn] n. the line where the earth and sky appear to meet
5. lingers [LIN guhrz] v. leaves slowly; waits before leaving
6. raiding [RAYD ing] adj. attacking for the purpose of taking land or things
7. twilight [TWY lyt] n. early evening; the soft light at the end of the day
8. abounding [uh BOWND ing] adj. plentiful; having great numbers of something
9. boundary [BOWN dree] n. border; edge; line separating two places
10. corrupted [kuh RUPT id] v. changed from what is good, normal, or standard
11. ebbed [EBBD] v. became less; moved away from
12. immunity [i MYOON uh tee] n. protection from being punished or harmed
13. lured [LøRD] v. attracted to a place by a promise or by appearances; tempted
14. migrated [MY grayt id] v. moved from one country or region to settle in another
15. scalding [SKAWLD ing] adj. heated almost to the boiling point
I am Mordred1. Perilous [PAIR oo lis]: full of or involving peril
2. Palfrey [pal FREE]: a saddle horse other than a warhorse; especially : a lady's light easy-gaited horse
3. Jarred [Jaard]: to make a harsh or discordant sound
4. Wimple [WIM pool]: a cloth covering worn over the head and around the neck and chin especially by women in the late medieval period and by some nuns
5. Raiment [RAE mint]: clothing; garments
6. Coracle [COR a cul]: a small boat used in Britain from ancient times and made of a frame (as of wicker) covered usually with hide or tarpaulin
7. Smite [smiet]: to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously
8. Chastised [chass TIZED]: to inflict punishment o
9. Aspired [ASP pierd]: to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal
10. Labyrinth [lab UR inth]: a place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys
11. Marvel [maar VOOL]: one that causes wonder or astonishment
12. Ravish [ravish]: to seize and take away by violence
13. Rife [rief]: prevalent especially to an increasing degree
14. Indifferent [ind DIF rint]: marked by impartiality
15. Frail [frael]: physically weak
Canterbury Tales1. solicitous: [sul i SI tush] showing care or concern
2. garnished [GUHAR nyshed] decorated; trimmed
3. Absolution [ahb suh LOO shun] act of freeing someone of a sin or criminal charge
4. commission [com MIS shun] authorization; act of giving authority to an individual
5. sanguine [san gueen] confident; cheerful
6. avouches [a vowch EZ] asserts positively; affirms
7. prevarication [preh var ee CAY shun] evasion of truth
8. adversity [ad VER si tee] great hardship; misfortune
9. courteous [KER tee us] considerate of others; polite
10. devout [di VOWT] extremely religious; pious
11. dispense [di SPENS] administer; distribute in portions
12. pilgrimages [PIL gruhm ij iz] journeys to shrines or sacred places
13. prudent [PROOD uhnt] using good judgment; acting wisely
14. agility [uh JIL i tee] ability to move with ease and speed
15. frugal [FROO guhl] thrifty; economical; inexpensive
The Canterbury Tales “Pardoner’s Tale”1. congregation [kahn gre GAY shun] n. people gathered for religious worship
2. discourse [DIS kawrs] n. a complete or thorough discussion of a topic
3. dignity [DIG ni tee] n. honor; self-respect; the quality of deserving esteem or respect
4. pulpit [PUHL pit] n. a platform from which a religious leader speaks to worshipers
5. sermon [SUR muhn] n. a lecture on right and wrong, often by a religious leader
6. vanity [VAHN i tee] n. too much pride in your appearance or accomplishments
7. wary [WAYR ee] adj. on guard; watchful
8. adversary [AHD vuhr ser ee] n. enemy; opponent
9. betray [bee TRAY] v. be unfaithful or disloyal; break someone’s trust
10. counsel [KOWN suhl] n. advice; guidance
11. cultivate [KUHL ti vayt] v. help something grow or develop; nurture
12. deceive [di SEEV] v. fool; mislead
13. hypocrisy [hi POK ruh see] n. false appearance of being good or of following a belief
14. prudent [PROO duhnt] adj. using good judgment or common sense; careful
15. slandering [SLAN duhr ing] adj. spreading nasty rumors about someone
Canterbury Tales “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”1. bottled [BAHT uhld](with up) held in; restrained; contained
2. crone [KROHN]an ugly old woman; hag
3. extort [ek STOHRT]obtain by using violence or threats.
4. forlorn [fohr LOHRN] abandoned or forsaken; sad and lonely
5. matrons [ MAY truhns] married women or widows; mature women
6. purged [PERJD] removed; cleansed; to have gotten rid of
7. reprove [ri PROOV]admonish; find fault with; rebuke
8. void [VOYD]empty; containing no matter
9. ceaselessly [SEES lis lee] without stopping; continuously
10. defiance [di FY uhns] open resistance to an opposing force or authority
11. disperses [di SPERS ez] drives off; scatters; distributes widely
12. enquire [en KWYR] to seek information by asking a question
13. incentive [in SEN tiv]something that encourages you to do something
14. maim [MAYM]. injure; impair; mutilate
15. temporal [TEM puh ruhl] lasting for only a time; not eternal; worldly
Canterbury Tales “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” 021. implored[im PLUH ored]begged earnestly
2. relates [ree LAYTS]tells
3. misalliance[mihs AH lie anse]mismatch
4. contemptuous [con TEMP shus]scornful
5. bequeath [be KWEETH)hand down as an inheritance
6. prowess[pr ow es] heroism; distinction
7. esteemed[es TEEMED] highly respected
8. rebuke [reeb OOK]criticize strongly
9. courtiers [kor TEE ers) one in attendance at a royal court
10. eviscerate [ee VIS er ate] to deprive of vital content or force
11. incubus [in CUE bus] an evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep
12. discreet [di SKREET] having or showing good judgment in conduct and especially speech
13. peradventure [per ed VEN chur] by chance
14. sovereign [sahv RAN] that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere
15. annexed [an EKSED] to attach as a quality, consequence, or condition
Shakespeare’s Sonnets1. disgrace [dis GRAYS] loss of honor or respect
2. fortune [FOR chun] a person’s standing in life determined by money or possessions
3. contented [kon TENT id] satisfied; desiring nothing more
4. scorn [SKORN] to reject
5. prophecies [PRAHF i seez] predictions
6. divining [di VYN ing] to know by intuition or reflection
7. tempests [TEM pists] violent wind and rain storms
8. despising [dis PYZ ing] to dislike intensely
9. outcast [OWT kast] a person excluded from a society or system
10. possessed [po ZEST] to have had or owned
11. arising [uh RYZ ing] the process of getting up
12. antique [AN teek] made in an earlier period
13. sickle [SIK l] a tool with a circular blade, used for cutting grass
14. alters [AWL terz] changes; makes different
15. treads [TREDZ] to walk on, over, or along
Macbeth Act 11. ambition [am BISH uhn] n. strong desire to achieve something
2. assault [uh SAWLT] n. an attack
3. plight [PLYT] n. bad condition or situation that someone is in
4. revolt [ree VOHLT] n. actions taken to overthrow an authority
5. swarm [SWAWRM] n. a large, moving group of people, animals, or insects
6. traitor [TRAYT uhr] n. disloyal person; someone who turns against his or her country
7. vanished [VAHN ishd] v. disappeared
8. banquet [BANG kwit] n. feast; large, fancy meal attended by guests
9. foul [FOWL] adj. unpleasant; rotting
10. haste [HAYST] n. speed; rush; hurry
11. heath [HEETH] n. area of land covered with low shrubs or bushes
12. prediction [pree DIK shuhn] n. statement or idea about what will happen in the future
13. registered [REJ is tuhrd] adj. entered something, such as your name, on a record
14. valiant [VAHL yent] adj. heroic; brave
15. withered [WITH erd] adj. shriveled; dried up; without life
Macbeth Act 21. clutch [KLUCH] hold onto something tightly
2. conclusion [kuhn KLOO zhuhn] ending; the finish of something
3. contradict [KAHN truh dikt] say or prove the opposite of
4. repose [ri POHZ] rest; sleep
5. resembled [ri ZEM buhld] had a similarity to someone or something
6. restrain [ri STRAYN] stop; hold back; prevent from acting
7. seize [SEEZ] take possession by force; grab and hold
8. suspicion [suh SPISH uhn] unproven idea that something is wrong
9. allegiance [uh LEE jens] loyalty to a country, a ruler, or a cause
10. appalls [uh PAWLZ] shocks; horrifies
11. counterfeit [KOWN tuhr fit] imitating something valuable in order to deceive
12. malice [MAL is] the desire to harm others or see them suffer; ill will
13. mock [MAHK] make fun of; treat with ridicule or contempt
14. quenched [KWENCHD] satisfied; extinguished; put out (a fire)
15. refrain [ri FRAYN] stop yourself from doing something
Macbeth Act 31. affliction [uh FLIK shuhn] suffering; a cause of suffering, such as an illness
2. confined [kuhn FYND] kept from moving out of a place; restricted
3. custom [KUHS tuhm] habit; tradition
4. eternal [ee TER nuhl] without beginning or end; everlasting
5. patience [PAY shuntz]ability to wait or to suffer without complaint
6. remedy [REM uh dee] cure; medicine; something that solves a problem
7. summons [SUHM muhnz] order to appear at a particular place
8. acquaint [uh KWAYNT] familiarize; inform
9. amends [uh MENDZ] something done to make up for injury or loss
10. disposition [dis puh ZISH uhn]someone’s usual mood; personality
11. encounter [en KOWN tuhr] meet; come upon
12. jovial [JOH vee uhl] cheerful; having good humor
13. mingle [MING guhl] mix together; socialize with
14. posterity [pah STER uh tee] the future; those people who are to come
15. revenge [ri VENJ] cause someone harm for something the person has done