The following requirements provide consistency in processing service across multiple transmission systems.


001-23.1.1 OASIS shall support the queuing and processing of all Coordinated Requests, as specified in the technical requirements of Business Practice Standards WEQ-002, WEQ-003, and WEQ-013. Coordinated Requests are only applicable for service requested directly from theTransmission Provider as the Seller of the service, i.e. not applicable to resales.

001-23.1.2 If the Transmission Provider determines that only a portion of the requested capacity can be accommodated on a Coordinated Request, the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer will not be required to reserve the full requested capacity on the remaining Coordinated Request(s) in a Coordinated Group.

001-23.1.3 A Coordinated Request shall be queued and evaluated in the same manner (i.e., same service priority) as any other PTP or NITS request, subject to the other requirements of Business Practice Standard WEQ- 001 as if the Coordinated Request were not part of a Coordinated Group.

001-23.1.4 The Transmission Provider shall not be required to verify the submission or monitor the status of Coordinated Requests submitted on another Transmission Provider’s OASIS.

001-23.1.5 Once all Coordinated Requests in a Coordinated Group are in a final state, the service across multiple transmission systems coordination process is complete and no further coordination shall be administered on the requests within the Coordinated Group.

001-23.1.6 Regional alliances of Transmission Providers, e.g., wesTTrans, may establish a mechanism wherein a single request is processed for PTP or NITS on multiple Transmission Providers’ systems. Such a mechanism shall allow Coordinated Requests that extend beyond the boundaries of the alliance.

001-23.1.7 The Transmission Provider shall not be required to offer a new servicein order to establish any contiguous hour-by-hour match of reservationsacross transmission systems, such as service across different timezones.

001-23.1.8 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer is not required toprocure additional service in order to establish any contiguous hour-byhourmatch of reservations across transmission systems, such asservice across different time zones.


001-23.2.1 The Coordinated Group shall be contiguous over time and path.Contiguity of a Coordinated Group shall encompass all CoordinatedRequests, and may include existing reservations, such that there shallbe no gaps in service over a commercially reservable path across allthe Transmission Providers’ systems in the Coordinated Group duringthe contiguity period which extends from the earliest START_TIME ofany Coordinated Request in the Coordinated Group and the latestSTOP_TIME of any Coordinated Request in the Coordinated Group.See Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-E. Reservations used inestablishing the contiguity requirements may start prior to the earliestSTART_TIME of all Coordinated Requests or extend beyond the latestSTOP_TIME of all Coordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group.

001- A Coordinated Group shall permit time zone differences to exist 0between Coordinated Requests within the Coordinated Group. (e.g., arequest with a start time of midnight EST shall be deemed by theEligible Customer or Transmission Customer, and TransmissionProvider to be contiguous with another request with a start time of midnight CST.)

001- The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall be required toattest that the contiguity requirements in Business Practice StandardWEQ-001-23.2.1 have been met by the Coordinated Requests identifiedwithin the Coordinated Group.

001- Coordinated Requests within a Coordinated Group may have differentdurations (start/stop times).

001-23.2.2 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer or may submit anycombination and any number of Coordinated Requests from thefollowing PTP or NITS services in a coordinated Group:

Yearly firm PTP

Monthly firm PTP

Monthly non-firm PTP

Firm network service with a minimum duration of one month

Secondary Network Transmission Service with a minimum durationof one month

001-23.2.3 Any Coordinated Request within a Coordinated Group may have arequested capacity valued different from any other CoordinatedRequest in the Coordinated Group. Any Coordinated Request within aCoordinated Group may have a requested capacity value different fromany reservation capacity in the Coordinated Group.

001-23.2.4 All Coordinated Requests within the Coordinated Group shall besubmitted as pre-confirmed.

001-23.2.5 Requests for Concomitant Evaluation may be included in a CoordinatedGroup.


001-23.3.1 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall be required toidentify the request as a Coordinated Request when initially submittingthe request as required in Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 andWEQ-013.

001-23.3.2 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall have 24 hoursfrom the time the Coordinated Request is queued to provide therequired information for each Coordinated Request and any reservationin the Coordinated Group and to attest that the Coordinated Groupmeets the contiguity requirements.

001- The Transmission Provider shall not accept or counteroffer aCoordinated Request until the Eligible Customer or TransmissionCustomer has attested that the Coordinated Group meets the contiguityrequirements.

001-23.3.3 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer submitting aCoordinated Request hall enter the following required information foreach of the reservations in the Coordinated group on OASIS:

The responsible Transmission Provider

The OASIS assigned unique identifier (When a reservationrepresents an off-OASIS NITS reservation, the OASIS assignedunique identifier for the reservation shall be submitted as 0.)

The disposition of the reservation; set to “CONFIRMED”

NAESB Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Business Practice Standards,

001-23.3.4 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer submitting aCoordinated Request shall provide the following required information foreach of the other Coordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group:

The responsible Transmission Provider

The OASIS assigned unique identifier (When a CoordinatedRequest represents an off-OASIS NITS request, the OASISassigned unique identifier for the Coordinated Request shall besubmitted as 0.)

The attributes of the Transmission Service requested

The disposition of the Coordinated Request; initially set to“PENDING”

The date and time when the Coordinated Request is moved toCR_ACCEPTED, CR_COUNTEROFFER or some final state;initially set to null

001- The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall provide ormodify the information required in Business Practice Standards WEQ-001-23.3.3 and WEQ-001-23.3.4 prior to the deadline established inBusiness Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.3.2 and the EligibleCustomer’s or Transmission Customer’s notification to the TransmissionProvider that the identification of the Coordinated Group is completeand meets the contiguity requirements of Business Practice StandardWEQ-001-23.2.1. Once the Eligible Customer or TransmissionCustomer has notified the Transmission Provider that the CoordinatedGroup has been submitted and is complete, the Eligible Customer orTransmission Customer shall only be allowed to modify the dispositionof each Coordinated Request in the Coordinated Group as described inBusiness Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.3.5.

001- The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer may remove theCoordinated Request from further consideration as a CoordinatedRequest prior to the deadline established in Business Practice StandardWEQ-001-23.3.2.

001- To remove any Coordinated Request from further consideration as aCoordinated Request, the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customershall withdraw that Coordinated Request.

001- Once removed from consideration as a Coordinated Request, theEligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall update otherCoordinated Requests identified as part of the Coordinated Group toidentify the affected request has been withdrawn, as applicable.

001- Prior to the deadline established in Business Practice Standard WEQ-

001-23.3.2 for finalizing the data required in Business Practice

Standards WEQ-001-23.3.3 and WEQ-001-23.3.4 the Eligible Customeror Transmission Customer shall attest that the Coordinated Groupmeets the contiguity requirements established in Business PracticeStandard WEQ-001-23.2.1.

001- If the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer fails to provide thenecessary information identifying the Coordinated Requests in theCoordinated Group and attesting to the Coordinated Group’s contiguityprior to the deadline established in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.3.2, the Transmission Provider shall set the CoordinatedRequest STATUS to INVALID.

001-23.3.5 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall review each ofthe Coordinated Requests or reservations for action by the respectiveTransmission Providers, and update the disposition of the CoordinatedRequest or reservations as reflected in each of the other CoordinatedRequests in the Coordinated Group upon a change in STATUS of any

of the Coordinated Requests to CR_ACCEPTED,CR_COUNTEROFFER, or some final state and the date and time thisdisposition was affected. The Eligible Customer or TransmissionCustomer shall review each of the reservations for preemption by therespective Transmission Providers, and update the disposition of thereservations as reflected in the Coordinated Group.

001- Withdrawal of a Coordinated Request prior to the Transmission Providersetting the STATUS to CR_ACCEPTED or CR_COUNTEROFFER shallnot justify the withdrawal or reduction in capacity of any otherCoordinated Request in the same Coordinated Group. The EligibleCustomer or Transmission Customer shall reflect in each of the otherCoordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group, the fact that theCoordinated Request was voluntarily withdrawn.

001- When the STATUS of a Coordinated Request is set to REFUSED,INVALID or SUPERSEDED, the Eligible Customer or TransmissionCustomer shall reflect in each of the other Coordinated Requests in theCoordinated Group, that no service was granted.

001- When the STATUS of a Coordinated Request is set toCR_COUNTEROFFER and CAPACITY_GRANTED is less than thevalue of CAPACITY_REQUESTED, the Eligible Customer orTransmission Customer shall reflect in each of the other CoordinatedRequests in the Coordinated Group that only partial service wasgranted to the request.

001- When the STATUS of a Coordinated Request is set to CR_ACCEPTEDor CR_COUNTEROFFER and CAPACITY_GRANTED is equal to thevalue of CAPACITY_REQUESTED, the Eligible Customer orTransmission Customer shall reflect that full service was granted to therequest in each of the other Coordinated Requests in the CoordinatedGroup.

001- In the case where the Coordinated Request is for the designation of aNetwork Resource, the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customershall indicate that no service was granted in the event that thedesignation of the Network Resource was accepted, but the NITS

Application as a whole was withdrawn or denied for other reasons.

001- When a reservation in the Coordinated Group is displaced or reduceddue to preemption during the period of contiguity, as specified inBusiness Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.2.1, the Eligible Customer orTransmission Customer shall reflect the disposition of the reservation asPREEMPTED in the cgstatustemplate in each of the otherCoordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group.

001-23.3.6 Upon notification that all Coordinated Requests in the CoordinatedGroup have been acted on by each of the respective TransmissionProviders and are no longer “PENDING”, the Transmission Providershall establish the customer confirmation time limit in accordance withBusiness Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13.

001-23.3.7 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer may change theSTATUS from CR_ACCEPTED or CR_COUNTEROFFER toCONFIRMED prior to knowing the final outcome of all CoordinatedRequests in a Coordinated Group. Once a Coordinated Request is setto CONFIRMED, the Transmission Customer shall not be permitted tomake subsequent adjustments in capacity to that confirmedCoordinated Request as a result of the final outcome of otherCoordinated Requests in that Coordinated Group.

001-23.3.8 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer shall confirm theCoordinated Request at the requested capacity ifa. all Coordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group have beengranted in full or otherwise voluntarily withdrawn from considerationas a Coordinated Request andb. the reserved capacity of reservations in the Coordinated Group hasnot been reduced due to preemption during the period of contiguity,as specified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.2.1.

001-23.3.9 The Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer may rebid a lowercapacity than granted or withdraw the Coordinated Request ifa. any Coordinated Request in the Coordinated Group has not beengranted the requested capacity in full orb. the reserved capacity of reservations in the Coordinated Group hasbeen reduced due to preemption during the period of contiguity, asspecified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.2.1.