Armed Forces Retirement HomeDesign Build Services Request for Proposal
Gulfport, Mississippi21 May 2007
The proposed facility will house the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH), Gulfport, MS.
- Interviews and work sessions were conducted with AFRH during April and May 2007, and space needs were verified.
- Space type and requirements were developed and functionally-related interdependencies of groups were identified.
- Building Grossing Factors were applied to convert usable area to gross area, and to allowfor building common and support spaces.
Refer to the “Space Requirements” section of this report for the detailed Program of Space Requirements.
Interviews and work sessions were conducted to establish Special Requirements for each space type, including, but not limited to, the following:
oSecurity and/or Fire Safety Systems
oTelecommunications Systems, including telephone and data lines
oPlumbing Requirements
oHeating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Operation
oVentilation and Exhaust Requirements
oPower Requirements (equipment, standby power, etc.)
oMinimum Lighting Levels
oColumn-Free Areas
oRaised or Platform Flooring
oAdjacency/Access to the Elevators and Loading Docks
oAcoustic Ratings or Treatments
oSeismic and/or Hurricane Considerations
Refer to the “Systems” section of this report and to Appendix A for detailed Room Data Sheets that document these special requirements.
Design-Build Specialty Consultants are required for the following space types and/or performance issues:
oFood Service / Kitchen
oDesign for Aging
- Landscape Architect
- Certified Arborist
AFRH Gulfport is located at 1800 Beach Drive, overlooking the Gulf of Mexico in Gulfport, Mississippi. The site consists of approximately 47 acres, and is bounded by Beach Drive to the south, Anniston Avenue to the west, railroad tracks and right-of-way to the north, and WilliamCareyCollege and two single-family residences to the east.
The site is relatively flat, sloping from a high point near the midpoint of the site, to a low point at each corner of the site. Large trees are located near Beach Drive, the eastern edge of the site is heavily wooded, and two specimen live oak trees are in the center of the site. Tree preservation is important, and the two specimens shall be protected and preserved.
The rear of the site includes an open drainage swale that crosses diagonally from northeast to southwest. This swale provides drainage from off-site, and is known to overflow. Any proposed modification to the swale must be coordinated with the local jurisdiction.
The existing pool, chapel, and a small cemetery plot near the center of the site are to remain. Their restoration will not be included in this contract, but the Design-Build Contractor (D-BC) shall protect these areas during construction. The cemetery plot occupies ground that AFRH does not own, and shall not be disturbed.
There are above-grade fuel tanks near the rear of the site, one for gasoline and one for diesel, as well as the remnants of a water tower and well. There may be other below ground tanks or other structures on the site. It will be the responsibility of the D-BC to investigate existing site conditions as they deem necessary for their design
The site area is not subject to local zoning laws. However, the Government will impose certain restrictions on the site and its development, including the following:
- The two large specimen trees identified on the Land Use Diagramincluded in this section, shall remain in place and be protected during construction.
- A maximum building height of 85 feet above existing grade, not including minimal mechanical equipment penthouses or enclosures above the main roof.
- A 50feet Building Restriction Line along the perimeter of the site, for landscaping and security purposes.
The D-BC must provide a Site Master Plan identifying all Design / Build elements and any proposed future elements provided by the Government, based on available information. The D-BC shall employ a Certified Arborist to identify all healthy trees on site and develop a comprehensive management plan for all trees that will remain. This plan will be incorporated into the Site Master Plan for approval by the Government and local agencies as applicable.
The following will be provided by the Government for information purposes only:
A Legal Description of the site, including a plot plan and written description, will be provided prior to Design Notice To Proceed. Metes and bounds, area of site, and other pertinent information will be provided, including easements and encumbrances.
A topographic survey will be providedthat identifies the elevations, grades, and other geographic features of the site. Existing utility locations will be included.
A geotechnical report will be provided that identifies soil conditions across the site for information purposes. The D-BC shall be responsible for additional geotechnical information that may be required for their design.
- Previously prepared Site Plans locating known existing structures.
It is the intention of the Government to raze only the existing high-rise structure and Building 5 (Laundry) to include the slab-on-grade. Removal of any foundations for these two buildingswill be the responsibility of the D-BC.
Refer to the Land Use Diagram in this section for a representation of anticipated site conditions when construction commences, including the following building, structures, and trees to remain:
- Chapel (To be protected during construction by the D-BC)
- Cemetery plot (To be protected during construction by the D-BC)
- Swimming Pool (To be protected during construction by the D-BC unless the option for a new swimming pool is accepted by the government)
- Two large specimen oak trees and major tree stands (To be protected during construction by the D-BC)
A portion of Building 13 will be used by the Government during construction. Any other areas within Building 13 or other existing buildings may be used by the D-BC.
Upon completion of the Project, the D-BCwill be responsible for razing allexisting structures, including paved areas, concrete foundations, sidewalks, and other items on the site unless they are protected for future use as described above.
General Services Administration1Public Buildings Service
Southeast Sunbelt RegionChapter 4Real Estate Design and Construction
Armed Forces Retirement HomeDesign Build Services Request for Proposal
Gulfport, Mississippi21 May 2007
General Services Administration1Public Buildings Service
Southeast Sunbelt RegionChapter 4Real Estate Design and Construction
Armed Forces Retirement HomeDesign Build Services Request for Proposal
Gulfport, Mississippi21 May 2007
It is the intention of the Government to provide all elements included in the Base Contract program as part of this contract. If sufficient funds are available, program elements for the Option 1 Addand the Option 2 Add will also be included. The D-BC should consider the impact of the options in his proposal.
Projected parking needs were determined and documented as follows:
oResidents360 spaces(within building footprint)
oOversize Vehicles50 spaces(surface)
oStaff90 spaces(within building footprint & surface)
oGovernment Vehicles10 spaces(surface)
oVisitors40 spaces(surface)
oTotal 550 spaces
Security Concerns: This project has been judged to be a low-to-medium threat level facility, requiring a permanent site security fence along the property lines, retractable bollards at the main entry and service entry, a Gate House/checkpoint at the main site entrance from Beach Drive, and a minimum 50feet building setback from all property lines. Passenger vehicles shall enter from Beach Drive. Service vehicles, including deliveries, trash removal, food supply, etc. shall enter the site from the rear service drive along Anniston Avenue.
Direct vehicular access to the site is available from local roadways at three existing locations. AFRH requires only two points of vehicular access. The D-BC shall coordinate with the local authorities to confirm number and feasibility of proposed vehicular access points and possible off-site improvements that may be required.
A Traffic Study has not been performed. The D-BC shall provide a Traffic Study and/or other studies that may be required by the local jurisdiction.
Loading Zones
oAll types of delivery vehicles are anticipated for this facility, including semi-tractor trailers, buses, taxis, ambulances and emergency vehicles.
oThe Main Building Entrance and the Loading Dock will be located at least 15 feet above existing finished grade in order to remain in operation during a flood event.
oDuring normal operation, ambulances or other emergency vehicles shall pick-up or discharge residents near the elevator cores on the “Wash-Out” Level. During flood events, emergency vehicles shall use the Main Entrance.
oMaintain a minimum of 15 feet vertical clearance at areas where service vehicles or emergency vehicles may travel.
oAccommodate required turning radii for all delivery and emergency vehicles.
The proposedsite layout shallbe adequate to accommodate traffic volume, transportation improvements, site parking, entrance gates/checkpoints, intersections and roadway changes. Coordinate with security setback and easement requirements.
A future overpass may be constructed by others that will provide direct pedestrian access from the site to the beach area south of the property. The D-BC shall identify an area of the site where such a future overpass may be located.
Because of the tremendous damage brought by Hurricane Katrina, the new building will be constructed so that all key operating functions (including the main lobby and the loading dock) are located on the second floor at an elevation of at least 35 feet above sea level (approximately one story above Katrina’s high-water mark). This “Community” level will include all the major public areas of the building, including Food Service, Healthcare Services, Campus Operations, and Resident Services. The floor-to-floor height of this level is estimated at 20 feet, permittingceiling heights of 12 to 18 feet. Column-free space should be provided in the Dining and the Multi-Purpose Activity Room(s) to the greatest extent possible.
The first floor level is located at grade, approximately 20 feet above sea level, as is designated as the “Wash-Out” Level. The first floor can be used for resident and staff parking, and other functions that would not be affected by a storm surge.
Resident units will rise from the Community Level platform. It is preferred that the first Resident Level (floor 3) house the Assisted Living, Memory Support and Long-Term Careunits. Units on this level can take advantage of the large roof areas of the Community Level by creating exterior roof gardens that provide access to controlled exterior space.
Independent Living units will be located on the upper floors. The prototypical Independent Living module will contain 24 total units. The units will be arranged on a double-loaded corridor with a central elevator/service core. The central core will contain the elevators, trash room, laundry room, public toilets (men and women), telephone/electrical distribution closet, a lounge and elevator lobby/seating area. It is preferred that as many units as possible have views of the Gulf coastline.
Corridors throughout the facility shall beat least 8 feet wide, and shall be no longer than 120 feet from an elevator, stair, or toilet room in order to minimize walking distances between amenities. Corridors shall have floor finishes to match the adjacent rooms, and shall be provided with dual hand rail/bumper rail wall protection and corner guards to minimize damage from wheelchairs or BPV’s.
A maximum building height of 85 feet from existing grade to the main roof has been established by the Government for this project. Minimal structures for mechanical and elevator equipment may extend beyond the height limit as required to properly screen rooftop equipment. Refer to the “Space Requirements” section of this report for a Section Diagram illustrating the building’s vertical organization.
TheD-BC shallconsider the impact of the following on the proposed building form and massing:
Site configuration, topography, neighboring architecture and scale
Security setbacks and separate entrance structures
Adjacencies and proximity to other structures to remain (chapel, pool, cemetery and specimen trees)
Special functional requirements (hurricane survivability, column-free space, etc.)
The D-BC shall work with the Government and be responsible for the development of the Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E)Planfor the Project.
The D-BC will meet with representatives from AFRH and GSA during the design process to review the proposed building design and develop theFF&E Plan.
The D-BC will prepare a detailed FF&E Plan (including interior signage)to allow AFRH to open as a fully functioning operation. Include flammability information on selected finishes. Refer to Appendix A and B for minimum furniture types, quantities and sizes established to date.
At least two options for furniture layouts will be provided by the D-BCfor each type of residential unit. At least three options for furniture layouts will be provided for the Dining Room and the Multi-Purpose Activity Room.
- Upon approval of the FF&E Plan by the Government, a detailed FF&E Schedule will be prepared. The FF&E Plan and Schedule will be suitable for bidding purposes to outside third parties as well as other alternatives for purchase and installation.
The D-BC will be permitted to bid on the FF&E purchase and installation contract.
The D-BC is responsible for the coordination of MEP services to all items on the FF&E Plan.
The project will be selected based on Design Excellence objectives established by GSA, including:
- Aesthetic, Operational Performance, and Quality Objectives for the Project
- Design Quality
- Compliment Surrounding Neighborhood / Structures and City of Gulfport Master Plans
- Interior Environment
- Integrate Architectural Solutions with Engineering Disciplines
The D-BC should respond to these objectives by providing a design that will:
- Exemplify accessibility within the context of a public/private sector project.
- Balance design excellence with cost factors.
- Reflect the dignity, enterprise, vigor and stability of the Armed Forces, emphasizing designs that embody the finest contemporary architectural innovations while avoiding an official style.
- Incorporate an efficient and economical construction process and procedures that enforce and/or improve the design goals and provide an on-time/on-budget facility.
- Deliver a building that is cost effective to maintain throughout its useful life.
- Provide an efficient home for the aging and living and working environment that allow for a state-of-the-art facility throughout the project’s useful life.
The design, construction, and ongoing operation of the project shall minimize its impact on the environment and its utilization of energy and other scarce and non-renewable resources; and achieve a Silver rating Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) Certification.
The Project shall incorporate innovative design approaches that express the purpose and identity of the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
It is GSA’s intention to support the City of Gulfport Master Plan for this area, but there are no known planning documents available at this time. The D-BC will coordinate with the City of Gulfport on the implementation of the master plan as it affects this property.
The D-BC will meet with Local Government officials to identify any site constraints and to indicate opportunities in meeting their plans and objectives.
There are no known requirements that might impact project costs associated with complimenting the City’s master plan at this time. However, the D-BC will be required to coordinate with the City for utility connections and roadway improvements at the new project access points.
- As a residential facility, AFRH Gulfport is a 24-hour, 365-days-a-year operation.
- The AFRH project must be capable of surviving a Category 5 hurricane and remaining in operation for a minimum of 7 days. This will require careful design of the structure, significant emergency power, judicious placement of equipment, and storage of emergency supplies.
- First year service contracts shall be included in the Base Contract for:
oHVAC Systems
oBuilding Automation System (BAS)
oFire Alarm and Notification Systems
- Security and Resident Monitoring Systems
oKitchen and Bar Equipment
- Commercial Facility Management (CFM) contractors are planned for the building. The CFM scope of services will include maintenance and operation of the entire facility. The D-BC will allow utilization of the Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) database by the CFM contractor.
- The D-BC will identify building components that would benefit from an extended guarantee/warranty and explain why.
- The D-BC shall describe the proposed handling ofSolid Waste (Trash) and Recycling, including:
oGeneral Trash
oKitchen/Food Service Trash
oMedical Waste
This project is to be delivered using GSA’s Comprehensive Building Commissioning approach.
- A Program Review Workshop by the whole design team, including the Commissioning Authority, will be required before beginning each stage.
- This workshop will be followed by design submission reviews that specifically consider programmed objectives, performance measures, and certification requirements.
- Both the D-BC and a Commissioning Authority will be involved in tracking each program goal and documenting the basis for system selection decisions.