NERC Doctoral Training Partnership

ACCE: Adapting to the Challenges of a Changing Environment

University of Sheffield, PhD project proposal(Oct 2018entry)

This is for guidance ONLY. Applications should be submitted on the ONLINE Form

Application deadline: 5:00 pm, Monday, 11thSeptember 2017

Lead Supervisor[1] / Name:
Co-Supervisor[1] / Name:
ACCE institute: Sheffield / York / Liverpool / CEH
Co-Supervisor / Name:
ACCE institute: Sheffield / York / Liverpool / CEH
Co-Supervisor / Name:
ACCE institute: Sheffield / York / Liverpool / CEH
CASE Partner[2] / Contact name
CASE organization
Project title
Project outline (2000 characters max, including spaces)
Please describe the proposed project using the headings: Background, Objectives, Novelty and Timeliness.
Part funding / links to other projects (1000 characters max)
If part funding is agreed or sought from other sources (including CASE) please give brief details. Please also indicate other project link if relevant (e.g. links to your existing NERC grants that may benefit the PhD)
To which ACCE research foci is the project most aligned( you need to select one) /
  • Securing ecosystem services and environmental resources
  • Predicting and mitigating impacts of climate change
  • Understanding the dynamics of biodiversity
  • Investigating mechanisms of evolutionary change: genes to communities

How does the project fit to the ACCE research foci? (1000 characters max)
Please describe fit to NERC remit (1000 characters max)
4 key relevant publications from supervisors (last 5 years)[3]
Highlight any postgraduate co-authors
PhD supervision record[3]
a)Lead supervisor’s current number of PhD students
b)Number of lead supervisor’s students NOT submitted on time from those finishing in the last 5 years(includes taking account of Leave of Absence).
NERC grant income[3]
Lead supervisors’ current NERC grants.
For each give:
  1. Whether supervisor is PI, co-I, or co-I that leads the Sheffield component of a split/consortium award
  2. Start and end date
  3. Project title
  4. Amount of funding

Other grant income of relevance[3]
Lead supervisors’ current other grants of relevance.
For each give:
  1. Whether supervisor is PI, co-I, or co-I that leads the Sheffield component of a split/consortium award
  2. Start and end date
  3. Project title
  4. Amount of funding
  5. Funding body

Previous ACCE PhD students / I have been awarded an ACCE PhD before as:
Lead supervisor Yes/No If yes, name of student and year started
Co-supervisor Yes/No If yes, name of student and year started
 / Add a cross to the box to declare that the work on the project and the results from it can be achieved within the given RTSG (£8,200):


[1] ACCE aims for 50% of its studentships to have lead and co-supervisors from different ACCE institutes (Sheffield, York, Liverpool, CEH). All studentships should have at least 2 supervisors (whether from different or the same institution).


[2] ACCE has a target of 40% for CASE studentships. We expect that applications indicating “yes” here will be able to formally establish a CASE partnership should the project be awarded a studentship. Only indicate “yes” if you have had discussions with your partner and are confident of this. Projects where there may be some possibility of CASE should indicate “no”.

[3] If the lead supervisor is a new member of staff, the co-supervisor should be a more experienced colleague. In such cases, please highlight this in these sections and give the track record of the experienced co-supervisor also.