JANUARY, 2012, Newsletter --from Ken & Melli Johnson

USA ADDRESS: 5404 Sharon Trail AFRICA ADDRESS: B. P. 122

Lakeland, FL 33810-5831 Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA

Phone/Fax: 863-815-2796 Phone/Fax: 257-22-22-34-31

Email: Email:

Web Site: www.rainbowcentre.net

Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013


It was Christmas morning and Daniel came running to tell me that the “wild zebras” had come to visit us, just outside the wall. We were enjoying the semi-camping adventure of this remote missionary getaway, a day’s drive south of Bujumbura, into Tanzania where Lake Tanganyika is free of hippos and crocs that are so prevalent in Burundi near where we live. What relief to enjoy the pristine water, clean beach, and furnished cottage. No boredom allowed—we enjoyed monkeys on the roof, snorkeling, and hiking to the beach. Three zebras roamed freely but had stayed clear of us…until now. We cautiously moved forward, mesmerized. Such unique creatures and stripes! Cindy and Sarah snapped photos—the zebras, munching the grass, seemed not to mind...we'd been told that they had roamed this area for years adapting well to the continuous stream of missionaries and their children hiking the paths, using the facilities, without fear. The children stayed a healthy distance back and since there didn't seem to be a safety concern, I returned to fixing breakfast.

Suddenly chaos erupted, with running and shouting, “Close the gate! Close the gate! CLOSE THE GATE!” as the last kid made it through and the metal doors slammed. One zebra had decided to chase the children, which prompted a fast getaway on their part! Whew!

Ahoy! Ahoy! We also went sailing on the Wings of the Morning, the 36-foot sailing ship which Ken’s brother, Harry, built to reach villages on the lake where vehicles can’t go. (Read more about it in CMML Missions for December, 2011). Harry and sons, Luke and Steve, manned the ship--Ken got to steer a bit, but is much more at home on a motorcycle. Ha.

Harry’s wife, Ruthie, granddaughter Esther, and our family arrived at Kiziba, a mainly Muslim village where my cousin Carol, and her husband, Gerald Boehlke, minister. Gerald rebuilt a church there that had been demolished during a storm, and has just constructed a preschool where Carol will teach. How we love getting together! And what fun on the ship—no one became seasick, threw up or fell overboard (which was on the list of things NOT to do!)

The time sped by all too quickly…time with the kids and Kenny who hasn’t had one gastric flare-up since his gall-bladder surgery in November! How we thank God for Ken’s health, and this special trip together, connecting us with extended family!

It’s been an emotional year of shifting with life changes. God has strengthened us in hard ways. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV) A word I use frequently for myself and my kids—“FOCUS!” I hope to work on this more…keep riveted on the God of the Universe—not my problems and fears.

Let’s pray for each other together in this New Year 2012!

Blessings and Love,

Melli, Ken, Sarah, Lizzie, Carly, Cindy, James, Daniel, Samuel, Christopher, Angel and Andy