Spin Preschool Newsletter…A program proudly brought to you by Starpoint


Activities for Home

Spring Flower Play Dough

Basic recipe

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 2 tsp cream of tartar

Extra items

  • Red food coloring
  • Rose water or flower-scented oils such as lilac, jasmine, rose or geranium
  • Real flower petals

Add the ingredients for the basic recipe to a saucepan, along with a few drops of the red food coloring and a drop or two of the rose water or scented oil if your kids don’t have any allergies.

SPIN Early Care and Education Center May 2018 Menu

1)B- WW pancakes, applesauce, milk
L- Baked ham with pineapple, cooked carrots, WW bread, milk
S- goldfish and milk / 2)B- WG cereal, peaches, milk
L- Cowboy grub w/brown rice, mixed fruit, milk
S- tortilla with cheese, water / 3)B- scrambled eggs, bananas, milk
L- tuna noodle casserole, carrot sticks, orange slices, milk
S- graham crackers, milk / 4)B- cream of wheat, peaches, milk
L- Chicken salad sandwich w/cranberries, cucumber slices, mandarin oranges, milk
S- hardboiled egg, cheese stick, water
7)B- WG cereal, orange slices, milk
L- ham and beans, saltines, peas, mixed fruit, milk
S- carrot sticks w/ranch, milk / 8)B- wwenglish muffin w/sausage & cheese, apricots, milk
L- spaghetti w/meat sauce, corn, apples, milk
S- cottage cheese, pineapple, water / 9)B-ww French toast, applesauce, milk
L- cheesy chicken & broccoli casserole, slice ww bread, oranges, milk
S- apples and cheese slices, water / 10)B- cinnamon toast, bananas, milk
L- turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, peaches, saltines, milk
S- toast w/ jelly, milk / 11)B- oatmeal, apples, milk
L- sloppy joes on bun, beets, pears, milk
S- cucumber sandwiches, water
14)B- cereal, pears, milk
L- Hawaiian chicken, brown rice, pineapple, cooked carrots, milk
S- pretzel rods w/ cheese sauce, milk / 15)B- yogurt parfaits w/granola & peaches, milk
L- Indian Corn w/ beef, corn chips, mixed veggies, milk
S- celery sticks, cream cheese, milk / 16)B- ww bagel w/cream cheese, banana, milk
L- tuna salad sandwiches, cucumbers, carrots, milk
S-trail mix, milk / 17)B- WW pancakes, applesauce, milk
L- mac & cheese w/ ham, peas, bananas, milk
S-yogurt, peaches, water / 18)B- WG cereal, mixed fruit, milk
L- WW Chicken Nuggets, tator tots, green beans, milk
S- goldfish, milk
21)B- cream of wheat, pineapple, milk
L- chili w/beef, crackers, carrots, oranges, milk
S- cheese sandwiches, water / 22)B- scrambled eggs, bananas, milk
L- chicken fajitas w/ ww tortilla, corn, pears, milk
S- cauliflower, carrot sticks w/ ranch, water / 23)B- WW English muffin, cheese slice, apricots, milk
L- Ham and beans, WW bread slice, green beans, mixed fruit, milk
S- ww tortilla w/ cheese, water / 24)B- cereal, pears, milk
L- tuna pasta salad, cucumbers, bananas, milk
S- apples, cheese sticks, water / 25)B- Waffles, peaches, milk
L-hamburger on bun, corn, apples, milk
S- hard boiled eggs, oranges, water
Closed / 29)B- WW biscuit & Gravy, orange slices, milk
L- bean and cheese burritos, cooked carrots, orange slice, milk
S-graham crackers, milk / 30)B- cinnamon WW tortilla, bananas, milk
L- tator tot casserole, mixed veggies, saltines, peaches, milk
S-cinnamon toast, milk / 31)B- WG cereal, peaches, milk
L- chicken &brown rice, beets, pears, milk
S- cucumber sandwiches, water

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**All milk served to participants is unflavored, all participants 2 years and older are served low-fat (1%) milk and children under 1 year old are served whole milk