Al-Mudaifa, 5

Seven Deadly Sins Essay

Hussain Ali #172

Mrs. Timm


23 April 2014

Hussain Ali

Mrs. Timm


23 April 2014

Seven Deadly Sins Essay Outline

After watching the senior prank, as a spectator I could identify and prove that the seven deadly sins played into the senior prank.

I.  Introduction.

A.  Class of 2014 prank.

B.  Setting.

C.  Time.

D.  Thesis.

II.  Themes.

A.  Envy.

1.  Juniors envied the senior’s fun.

B.  Lust.

1.  Boys touching girls.

C.  Gluttony.

1.  Seniors using all their materials.

D.  Avarice.

1.  Seniors doing more than they had to.

E.  Sloth.

1.  People did not join.

F.  Wrath.

1.  Senior’s hatred for the juniors.

G.  Vanity.

1.  Seniors proud of what they did.

III.  Conclusion

As a spectator the sins were very easy to be witnessed during the prank from the actions that the seniors and juniors did.

Hussain Ali #172

Mrs. Timm


23 April 2014

Seven Deadly Sins Essay

Do students commit the seven deadly sins? This question will be answered at the end of the essay. The MKS class of 2014 planned a senior prank. It took place in the school court yard on the 14th of April. After watching the senior prank, the seniors and juniors actions identify and prove that the seven deadly sins played into the senior prank.

The seven deadly sins are envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath and vanity. The juniors envied the seniors. They were very interested in the fun the seniors had in forming successful events. Therefore because the juniors had envy inside of them for the seniors they could not accept the prank and destroyed it by throwing cans. Lust existed during the prank. It was show time for some of the boys with huge sexual desires. They knew that none of the girls were alert. Those boys took advantage and touched girls in private places and ran away. The seniors with the water balloons and how they used them shows the sin of gluttony. Most seniors took a handful of balloons and did not stop hitting until all the balloons in the courtyard were over. Also a group of senior boys were avarice by not obeying the rules. These boys thought that the material restricted were not enough so they brought in unrestricted materials such as chickens etc. Some of the students in MKS did not join the prank. They did not feel like running around and getting wet. This could be described as the sin of sloth. The juniors could not accept the hits from the seniors so they took snow spray cans and started hitting them back. Their anger caused the injury of a senior student. This action shows the sin of wrath in the juniors. The seniors came to school the next day happy and proud of what they did. They were not ashamed of the unrestricted things they did and the injuries. The seniors had the sin of vanity inside them.

In conclusion and the answer to the question, students commit all the seven deadly sins. Examples were given to prove the sins. As a spectator the sins were very easy to be witnessed during the prank from the actions that the seniors and juniors did.