( 15 January 1850-15 June 1889)

Mihai Eminescu was the most important Romantic writer in the history of the Romanian literature. At that time he was called ‘Romanian poetry evening star’.Eminescu in his work brought a new language and always fresh.Extraordinary is that he never had to struggle to own the Romanian dialect because it was always at hand helping him even in his impressive artistic images.The secret of his entire charm consists in autochthon substrate of his local culture.

Eminescu was ‘the absolute model toward which, without exception, all representatives of Romanian literature aspired to”.

With thecreativeexploitationoffolklore, Eminescurisesagaintothehighest levelofmagic, startingwith "Prince Charmingintears" and reachingthe"Review" and latertheincomparablelovestoryof"Calin (file of the story) andLucifer.

Eminescu'sphilosophical complexincursions supporthispoetry. Addressingmanyfundamental issuesrelated tothelifeanddeath, love, nature, genesisand theendof the world, orcivilization, the poetemphasizes thestrugglesandmisfortunes ofthegeniusof man, in asocietytotallyforeigntohim.

Starting fromtheconventionalstylethat the poets of that time grew passing throughaturbulentphaseofromance, ofaffirmation, artisticeffortledEminescu, maturingastoanincreasingconcentrationofdensemediaof expression, ofwhichregionalismsdisappear, diminutives, and ornamentalepithets appear, giving way tothe classic styleof the purestessence.

The poethasdevoted alarge partduringhis studiesabroadforreasonsof poeticthinking andassimilationoffamousancientGreekandLatin: Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Plutarch, Ovid, Horace. Inturn, medieval, Renaissance, Classicism, Romanticism, Naturalismandphilosophical materialismofthe last century.

His lyricalspeechregisters echoesof allreadingsofKant, Schopenhauer, Dante, Shakespeare, Schiller, Novalis, LamartineorVictorHugo-all theinfluencesofEuropean literatureplan, India(through the Rig-Veda) andUniversalaresimilarincomplexityto his vision.

Eminescu's work regardingnatureandloveshows twoissuesthat can notbetreatedseparately and fromthe interweaving ofwhomwereborn the most beautiful poems.


Read phonetically

Dictionary - View detailed dictionary

  1. to
  2. preposition
  3. of
  4. interjection
  5. oh
  6. oho
  7. oof

Evening on the Hill

Dreary the sounds in the eve on the hill,

Sheepflocks return, stars on their way twinkle still,

Watersprings weep murmuring clear, and I see

Under a tree, love, thou art waiting for me.

Holy and pure passes the moon on the sky,

Moist seem the stars born from the vault clear and high,

Longing thine eyes look from afar to divine,

Heaving thy breast, pensive thy head doth recline.

Tired with their toil, peasants come back from the field,

From the old church, labourer` s comfort and shield,

Voices of bells thrill the whole sky high above;

Struck is my heart, trembling and burning with love

Sara pe deal

Sara pe deal buciumul sună cu jale,

Turmele-l urc, stele le scapără-n cale,

Apele plâng, clar izvorând în fântâne;

Sub un salcâm, dragă, m-aştepţi tu pe mine.

Luna pe cer trece-aşa sfântă şi clară,

Ochii tăi mari caută-n frunza cea rară,

Stelele nasc umezi pe bolta senină,

Pieptul de dor, fruntea de gânduri ţi-e plină.

Nourii curg, raze-a lor şiruri despică,

Streşine vechi casele-n lună ridică,

Scârţâie-n vânt cumpăna de la fântână,

Valea-i în fum, fluiere murmură-n stână.

Şi osteniţi oameni cu coasa-n spinare

Vin de la câmp; toaca răsună mai tare,

Clopotul vechi umple cu glasul lui sara,

Sufletul meu arde-n iubire ca para.

The love between Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle remained as testimony for the true vibrations of the human soul through the love letters between the two. Here is an excerpt from a letter written by Eminescu 131 years ago: ‘I am deeply sad and my life is so void of joys that your letters and your letters only bring me dear comfort. Not writing anymore or writing rarer would hurt me more than if you didn’t love me

Write me back with the hands I passionately kiss’.