Community College/ Certificate Program Scholarship

The Community College/ Certificate Program Scholarship

Sponsored by the Academic Booster Club

This is a $500, one year grant.

The Academic Boosters Club is a parent organization dedicated to the academic growth and success of all Robinson students. This scholarship is for students continuing their education through a community college or certificate program.

Guidelines for Scholarship Application

1. The applicant must have completed at least two full years at Robinson.

2. The applicant must have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better by the end of the first semester of senior year.

3. The applicant shoulddemonstrate involvement in one or more school activities and/or community volunteer activities.

To Apply:

Applicants must submit the following in an envelope to the Career Center by April 19, 2017:

  • The attached application OR a resume or similar document including name; address;years at Robinson;name of college/certificate program you plan to attend (you do not have to have been accepted to a program prior to applying for this scholarship butmust be registered prior to scholarship award);and a list of your school-sponsored and outside activities including years of participation and leadership positions held.
  • Your transcript and 7th semester grade report, signed by your counselor.
  • A letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor.
  • An essay (500-word limit) discussing your post-secondary education goal(s) and plans for the future.
  • *OPTIONAL* You may include a short statement (500 word limit) discussing any additional information you would like the scholarship committee consider as part of your application

NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated on a combination of (1) application essay; applicant's grades and coursework; optional statement of additional information, if provided. (2) teacher or counselor recommendation; (3) resume; and (4) participation and leadership in school-sponsored or other extra-curricular activities.

The Community College/ Certificate Program Scholarship (Please print)

1. Name ______

2. Address ______

3. Years at Robinson: From ______to ______

4. School/Program you plan to attend:______

5. Please list the names of the school-sponsored clubs or organizations in which you have participated. Please include the years of membership andany leadership position(s) you held. Please use the reverse if necessary.

Club/OrganizationYears Participating/Leadership Role(s) ______


6. Please list any community volunteer activities or employment in which you have participated.





7. OPTIONAL: Any additional information you would like the scholarship committee to consider in reviewing your application (500 word limit).



