National Research Ethics Committee That Approved the Protocol (Updated at 31St Jul 2014)

National research ethics committee that approved the protocol (updated at 31st Jul 2014).Local research ethics committee that approved the protocol (updated at 31st Jul 2014)

Manual of Standard Operating Procedures

Manual of Standard Operating Procedures.Human Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town.University of Cape Town.Faculty of Health Sciences.Human Research Ethics Committee.Manual of Standard Operating Procedures.Encouraging ethical research in an African setting

Clinical Investigator Responsibilities

Clinical Investigator Responsibilities

Clinical Investigator Responsibilities.Summary Guidance.Syracuse VAMC R&D.Complete required Educational modules (HRPP Training materials, CITI/GCP) and abide by guidelines. The GCP guidelines must be practiced in carrying out the research operations

I. Welcome and Introduction Michael Weiner

Minutes of meeting July 11, 2014.Copenhagen, Denmark.I. Welcome and introduction Michael Weiner.II. WW-ADNI Core Presentations.NA-ADNI Overview Michael Weiner.Naturalistic study of AD progression involving 57 sites and 1700 subjects.350 Normal controls.150 subjective memory complaint

All Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules Must Comply with the NIH Guidelines For

Tulane University Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).Recombinant DNA- Exempt Registration Form.Complete, sign and submit this form to the IBC by e-mail to with Exempt IBC Registration in the Subject line.Please review this entire form prior to completion, and provide information as requested

The Efficacy and Risk Profile of C-Met Inhibitors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A

The Efficacy and Risk Profile of c-Met inhibitors in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: a Meta-analysis.Sa Ye1, Jiuke Li3, Ke Hao2, Jianping Yan1, Hongbin Zhou1*.1Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhejiang Provincial People s Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Texas A&M University College Station

Vested Interest Declaration Form.Texas A&M University College Station.Continuing Education Program.Bizzell Hall West, College Station, TX 77840.As an approved provider by Texas A&M University Continuing Education Program, (Provider Unit Name) must assure

Cooperative Agreement Page 2

Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2.Cooperative Agreement Page 2

Electronic Clinical Outcome Measure Fact Sheet

Selected Electronic Clinical Outcomes Tracking System

Non-Human Subjects Research Determination Form

NON-HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH DETERMINATION FORM.GENERAL INFORMATION.A. HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH DETERMINATION - FDA.Human Subject- an individual who is or becomes a participant in research, either as a recipient of the test article or as a control. Clinical

Blurb for Low-Risk Clinical Trials

DATA AND SAFETY MONITORING BLURBS.Yellow highlighted areas will need to be deleted or tailored to fit.I. Low-Risk (Phase I clinical trials require a DSMP; PI may or may not need a team to help monitor)

Dana-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center

Office for Human Research Studies.DANA-FARBER / HARVARD CANCER CENTER.Endorsement Form.An Endorsement Form must be submitted with Cancer-related new clinical trial applications as well as new protocol applications for a prospective collection of human specimens/data

Emily Nyariki, Phd Student

Emily Nyariki, PhD Student.MA- Population Studies University of Nairobi.Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and Religion) University of Nairobi.Study Title: Volunteers perceptions and experiences of clinical research participation in Kenya: Case study of KAVI volunteers

BROCHURE: Should I Take Part in Research

Should I take part in a research study?.Important things to know before you decide to participate in research.Should I take part in a research study?.Many of the advances in health care and the understanding of the human condition were made possible because

Additional File 1: a Proposed Framework for the Systematic Review and Integrated Assessment

Additional file 1: A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals.Table S1. List of additional literature that may be useful to search strategy for systematic review

IRB Needs a Non-Scientific Researcher Member for Compliance; Can T Be Jim, Can T Be Anyone

IRB needs a non-scientific researcher member for compliance; can t be Jim, can t be anyone who does SOTL - Eleni suggests Pucheu, Donovan, P. Wright, Eslinger, Loonsk, Bahm, Lindquist, Rutford, Cleary, Gilbert, Bustos or to consider an academic staff