Dr Jelica Kurjak

Dr Jelica Kurjak.Russia in the Balkans.Russia s long presence in the Balkans - from the eleventh century onwards - can be analysed in terms of its two salient features: continuity and, as far as the role of the Russian state in Balkan (especially Serbian) affairs is concerned, inconstancy

Final Exam Important Topics

Final Exam Important Topics.Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Wollstonecraft, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Adam Smith.What they believe?.Most famous piece of writing.Popular Sovereignty, natural rights, Laissez-faire, idealism, liberalism, reason, universal manhood suffrage, republicanism

Elevation of the Female Principle

Euripides. Iphigenia in Aulis.Elevation of the Female Principle.last two years in Macedonia.supposed death by dismemberment.wrote 80-90 plays won first place 4 times (less than Aeschylus or Soph.).18 extant tragedies (over twice the number of Aeschylus or Sophocles) and one satyr play

B1: Give Both Latin Names for Eros. Cupid and Amor

TU1: In ancient Greek vase painting, this god was often depicted as a young man or a baby with bow and arrow. Name this son of Aphrodite. Eros.B1: Give both Latin names for Eros. Cupid and Amor

From Psychology to Ontology

Pre-print, published in Radical Philosophy Review, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2013, Critical Refusals, Pages 81-89 DOI: 10.5840/radphilrev201316110.From Psychology to Ontology 1.Andrew Feenberg

Columbus, the Indians and Human Progress

Columbus, The Indians and Human Progress.Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the island's beaches and swam out to get a closer look at the strange big boat. When Columbus and his sailors came ashore

Ethical Theory Study Questions, January 2008

Ethical Theory Study Questions, January 2008.1. Neither utilitarianism nor deontology, at least in their pure forms, makes room for what Samuel Scheffler has called agent-centered prerogatives. Neither theory, in other words, allows people's desires to

Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy

Intro to Philosophy.Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.For and Against Utilitarianism and Deontology.Topic : You are an anthropologist exploring the very remote jungle of Eastern Canada. Unbeknownst to you, during your expedition you broke some of the

Read Me First s2

Weekly Overview.The framework of ethics is established by exploring the basic concepts needed to guide a person s decision-making skills. You will be provided with an overview of ethical theories, such as deontology, natural law, virtue and Rawls , principles

Virtue Ethics, Value Theory and Virtue Theory

3.1 Normative Ethics Value Theory and Virtue Theory What is Virtue Ethics?.Theory of Value and Virtue.Virtue Ethics, Value Theory and Virtue Theory.Teaching objectives.Understand the definitions of Virtue Ethics, Value Theory and Virtue Theory

Approaches to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?

Approaches to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?.Key terms to enable understanding of the essay.Hegemony: hegemonic power or dominant discourse is predominantly that of a white male

Department of Philosophy, University F Nigeria, Nsukka

THE PROBLEM OF SUBSTANCE IN METAPHYSICS.Kanu Ikechukwu Anthony.Department of Philosophy, University f Nigeria, Nsukka.The concept of substance varies with various philosophers, depending on the school of thought to which they belong. While the materialists

DLTK's Countries and Cultures - Greek Mythology How Prometheus Gave Fire to Men

DLTK's Countries and Cultures - Greek Mythology How Prometheus Gave Fire to Men.written by James Baldwin, adapted and illustrated by Leanne Guenther based on Greek mythology.Many years ago, according to the stories told by the people of ancient Greece

Western Civilization 102

Western Civilization 102.Instructor: Angie R. Anderson.Office: Fayard Hall Rm. 349 Telephone 5495353 email.Office hours: MWF 10:00-12:00, Tth 11:00-12:15 or by appointment.TEXT: Civilization in the West, Mark Kishlansky, Patrick Geary, Patricia O Brien, Longman, 5th ed

Classical Civilizations Midterm Review

Classical Civilizations Midterm Review

Classical Civilizations Midterm Review.Give the name of the following Greek letters.Identify the portfolios (what are they the god of) for the following gods

Holda (Also Known As Holle, Huld, and Frau Holle) Is a Goddess from Northern Germany

by Susan Ratatask Eaves.Holda (also known as Holle, Huld, and Frau Holle) is a Goddess from Northern Germany. Her name means friendly, benevolent one (in Old High German the word Hold meant benevolent or faithful) or hidden one . She is said to dress