DECEMBER 2, 2014

The Village Board of Combined Locks was called to order by President John Neumeier. Trustees in attendance included: Ruth Wulgaert, Jim Ponto, Beth Sewall, Justin Krueger, Rick Strick, and Roger Kirch.

Also in attendance were: Village Administrator Sean Hutchison, Fox Valley Metro Police Chief Erik Misselt, Public Works Foreman Ryan Swick, Clerk-Treasurer Racquel Shampo-Giese, andJudy Hebbe of the Times Villager.

The first item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of the minutes and bills. R. Strick made a motion to approve the minutes. J. Ponto seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. J. Ponto made a motion to approve the bills as presented. R. Kirch seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was the Administrator’s report. He reported that time was spent meeting with Dave Wagner of Ehlers regarding updating the TIF in order to include the expenses for the roundabout, and finalizing the 2015 budgets. He also reminded the Board that tax collection will begin December 8th.

The next item on the agenda was the Public Works Foreman’s report. He reported that the entire Village has now been swept eight times this year, 19 tons of yard waste was hauled to the landfill bringing the 2014 total to date to 253 tons and seven (7) complete circuits have been completed for leaf collection. Swinkles Trucking in Freedom has accepted 21 loads of leaves for disposal. He also reported that there were two water breaks in November, two inlets on Barbara and Margaret Streets were repaired and a portion of storm sewer that had collapsed was repaired near Patrick Street. The Public Works Foreman reported that the park restrooms have been winterized, concrete work for two water break areas have been repaired, and he expects the crew to be busy with snow plowing and removal, tree trimming, preparing for the 2015 street projects, finalizing the FOG procedures for businesses, and completing the sanitary sewer report for the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District.

The next item on the agenda was the Police report. The Chief reported that the two new officers are completing their field training on schedule and will be on the road soon. He also reported that he will be filling the Community Support Officer position, which has been on hold for a few months while the new officers were being trained. Officer Mike Lambie will be taking over the CSO position. Trustee Ponto asked the Chief if the officers use body cameras, and the Chief explained that the officers do use those types of cameras.

The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of Resolution 2014-20 regarding residential and commercial refuse special charges. President Neumeier explained that the current resolution does not address the charges to the commercial property owners who choose to have the Village collect their trash. The proposed resolution corrects this error. R. Wulgaert made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-20 as presented. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider amending Ordinance Chapter 13-1 Article C regarding conditional use permits for certain mobile telecommunications facilities use. The Administrator explained that the language change is needed to comply with new state statutes. The matter was discussed briefly. J. Krueger made a motion to approve the changes to Ordinance Chapter 13-1 Article C as presented. R. Kirch seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was to review and consider amending Ordinance Section 13-1-161 regarding cell tower siting. The Administrator explained that this change is also necessary to comply with the new state statutes. J. Krueger made a motion to approve the changes to Section 13-1-161 as presented. R. Kirch seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

In other general business, the Administrator asked the trustees if they would consider a gift for te Deer Hunt Committee members; either a gift card or a jacket. The consensus of Board opinion was to purchase jackets for those committee members. The Village President thanked Sean Hutchison for his service and wished him well at his new position in Crockett, Texas.

J. Ponto made a motion to adjourn the meeting and commence the 4th Quarter Water Commission Meeting. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Village Board