Due date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 by the End Of your CPU Apps Class.

Points: 200 pointsLate penalty: 50%

  1. Create a PPT using different online programs for enhancements of graphics
  2. Select a topic from the list provided
  3. You may work with one other person
  4. Take a stance: For, Against, or Neutral
  5. Present your stance in a PPT show with a minimum of 10, no more than 20 slides.
  6. The first slide is a title slide
  7. The last one or two slides are citation slides.
  8. URL’s listed on the citation slide(s) may be as small as 10.
  9. Hotlink the URL’s
  10. They do not need to be done in Tiny URL.
  11. Provided appropriate source information for all graphics and images
  12. URLs under images use Tiny URL and are font size 4-8
  13. Use at least 3 different sources for your facts.
  14. One source may be Wikipedia
  15. Follow font rules for the main title (60+) and subtitle (32+) on the title slide
  16. The title generated in a text creator should be large enough to appear 60+.
  17. Follow font rules for titles on all other slides - at least 48
  18. “NEW” adjust the font size rule for secondary text to at least 30
  19. Identify 3 or more different reasons (based in fact) that support your stance.
  20. These are your reasons “why”.
  21. Can you add your opinion? Yes, supported by the facts you found.
  22. No more than 36 words on any one slide.
  23. How many images? At least 5 or 6 different images (See item 14b, c, & d)
  24. You may have more images if you wish.
  25. Include these graphic enhancements (support topic) in your multimedia show:
  26. At least ONE word cloud
  27. One single image changed with Pixlr
  28. At least one Pixlr collage with 3 or 4 different images, with changes
  29. Item b & c, provide sources for the original images on the citation slide(s)
  30. At least one animated (picture) gif that relates to the topic
  31. The title on the title slide, is to be created with an online text generator, it may be animated or not animated, your choice.
  32. One graphic created from the Wigflip programs
  33. Any other graphics, used to enhance your show – shapes, filled-shapes, word art, text effects, font colors, themes, lines etc… may be used.
  34. Multimedia show stays on topic, message is clearly presented.
  35. Creativity & design support and enhance the final product
  36. Less than 3 spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies
  37. Extra credit = Present your PPT show to your class on November 12th or 13th and answer questions if you are asked, for 20 bonus point

Power Point Topics for Project 5

1) All students should have an after school job.

2) Does homework really help you learn?

3) Should year around school be mandated?

4) The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.

5) Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools.

6) Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished by the school.

7) Public prayer should be allowed in schools.

8) High stakes state testing should be abolished.

9) All people should be vegetarians.

10) Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government.

11) Should human cloning be banned? (Or cloning of any kind?)

12) The US Government should fund a space mission to Mars.

13) Democracy is the best form of government.

14) All citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.

15) The death penalty should be abolished.

16) Sports stars should be positive role models.

17) Grades should be abolished.

18) The voting age should be lowered.

19) The driving age should be raised.

20) Sharing music online should be allowed.

21) Video games are too violent.

22) If student can’t pass a final “exit” test, they should not be allowed to graduate.

23) America should not give foreign aid to other countries.

24) The government should provide wireless service for everyone.

25) Smoking should be illegal.

26) People should be fined for not recycling.

27) Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports.

28) Parents should be allowed to choose their baby's gender.

29) Animal testing should be banned.

30) Drone attacks against specific targets are a necessary part of modern warfare.

31) US representatives and senators should have term limits.

32) A border fence should be constructed between US and Mexico.

33) Same sex marriage should be legal.

34) Abstinence Programs - Do they work?

35) Advertising

Should certain kinds of ads be banned in the interest of health/morality/annoyance – alcohol, cigarettes, prescription meds, etc…?

36) Airport Security

Should the government use invasive pat-downs and body scans to ensure passenger safety or are there better methods?

37) Al Qaida
Has U.S. policy actually spread terrorism rather than contain it? Will it get better or worse? Why and how?

38) Alcohol Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18?

39) Animal Rights Should it be illegal to use animals for sports and entertainment?

40) Arming Commercial Airline Pilots Good idea?

41) Athletes in High Schools

Should shoe companies be able to give away free shoes and equipment to high school athletes?

42) Beauty Contests Do they serve any purpose in society?

43) Bullying Laws Are they really needed?

44) Campus Sexual Assault
Are sexual assault incidences on college campuses on the rise or has awareness just increased?

45) Censorship Should parents censor textbooks and other literature for children in schools?

46) Cheap Labor

U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it unethical to pay cheap wages or are companies doing those workers a favor?

47) Child Soldiers Why and how children are used for war

48) Church Arson Hate crime?

49) Civil Disobedience Is breaking the law for a cause justifiable?

50) Climate Change Is global warming a hoax? Is it being exaggerated?

51) Coal

Should the use of coal be subjected to stricter environmental regulations than other fuels?

52) College Athletics Should college athletes be paid?

53) Cyber-crime What are the latest ways to steal identity and money?

54) Divorce Should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce?

55) Exams

Exams often do little more than measure a person’s ability to take exams. Should exams be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment?

56) Fast Food

Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity? When is it individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame?

57) Felons and Voting Should convicted felons have the right to vote?

58) Feminism Is feminism still relevant? How do young women view feminism?

59) Fitness Programs Should companies allow employees to exercise on work time?

60) Food Steroids. Antibiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us?

61) Gap Year

Should teens in the U.S. adopt the British custom of taking a “gap year” between high school and college?

62) Gay Marriage

Should there be a constitutional amendment that allows gays and lesbians to legally marry?

63) Grades Are school grades truly valid?

64) Holocaust Should denial of the Holocaust be illegal?

65) Homeland Security Are we safer since the creation of this department?

66) Infidelity

In some states, it is illegal to cheat on a spouse. Should we prosecute cheaters? Is a law that’s not enforced really a law?

67) Immigration Should illegal immigrants be made legal citizens?

68) Internet and Children Are children smarter (or more socialized) because of the Internet?

69) Internet Regulation

70) Should the federal government be allowed to regulate information on the internet?

71) War on Terror

Is America winning or losing this War? What is the measurement of success? Have the benefits outweighed the costs?

72) Veterans Are they being cheated on medical benefits?

73) Journalism Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?

74) Juvenile Offenders Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults?

75) Marijuana Legalization Should the federal government legalize the use of marijuana?

76) Media

Does the media, both print and broadcast, report fairly? Does it ever cross the line between reporting the news and creating the news?

77) Military Should the U.S. have mandatory 2 years of military service for all?

78) Models Should there be a minimum weight limit?

79) Moms Should stay-at-home moms get a salary from the government?

80) No Child Left Behind Act of 2004 Is it working?

81) Noise Pollution

How much is too much noise? What, if anything, should we do to curb it?

82) Obesity and Weight Loss

Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs for the health problems of obese people? Should obese people have higher premiums?

83) Oil Companies Do oil companies make too much money?

84) Organ Sales Should we legalize the sale of human organs?

85) Paparazzi What, if any, limitations should be applied to the paparazzi?

86) Parents Should parents be held responsible when their children break laws?

87) Pornography

Parental filters on the Internet. Does censorship actually increase curiosity and use of pornography?

88) Privacy Should the government be allowed to wiretap without permission?

89) Pro Athletes Are they really worth the monies they are paid? Why or why not?

90) Public Figures Does the public have a right to know about a public figure’s private life?

91) Racial Bias in Media Does news coverage favor whites?

92) Religion Is there one true religion?

93) Road Rage Why do normally patient people become impatient behind the wheel?

94) School Lunches

Should government impose restrictions on what kinds of foods can be served in school cafeterias?

95) Sex Offenders

Once they leave prison, are laws about where they may live and be employed unfair?

96) Single Sex Schools Do children learn better in boys-only and girls-only schools?

97) Smoking Bans Should the federal government pass a nationwide indoor smoking ban?

98) Social Media

Can excessive use of social media contribute to addictive behaviors (drugs, tobacco, alcohol) or mental health issues?

99) Spanking Should it be outlawed?

100) Sports Parents What are the effects on children whose parents push them in sports?

101) Steroids Should they be legalized?

102) Texting & Driving

What should be the punishment for repeat offenders? If you cause an accident? If you kill someone?

103) Terrorism Can terrorism ever be justified?

104) Title IX Has it helped women’s sports? Has it harmed men’s sports?

105) Tough love Does parental “tough love” really work? Why or why not?

106) Toys Do certain children’s toys create social or emotional problems?

107) Vaccines Should parents avoid vaccinating their children?

108) Wage Gap Women still earn only 75 cents for every $1 a man earns. Explain why.

109) Wages

There is a minimum wage, but should there also be a maximum wage/salary a person can earn? As well as a minimum wage/salary someone should earn if they work a full time job?

110) Women in the Clergy Should women be priests, pastors, ministers, and rabbis?


Do Americans work too hard? Does working more actually reduce productivity? Is a 40-hour work week too much? Should there be a mandatory cap on the number of hours a person can work? Should there be changes in employment laws to give Americans more relaxation time?

111) Working Mothers

What differences, if any, are there in children who are raised by stay-at-home moms and working moms? Does society today still discriminate against working mothers who wish to have flexible work schedules?

112) Education

How would you change the current U.S. system and still ensure that children get an education?

113) Education

What is a proper education in today’s world? How does it differ from an education received 50 years ago? A 100 years ago?

114) Adoption

Should anyone be allowed to adopt? Or do you feel the adoption laws/regulations are too strict?

115) Slavery Does slavery still exist in today’s world? In what ways?